Not correction, 550 maranello, F430 ,mini

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by Cosmin, Jun 3, 2010.

  1. Cosmin

    Cosmin Birth of a Detailer

    got 2 mo since i do full time detail in a new city. the way it looks i may need a helper in 4-6 months.
    in the last week i didn`t have any paint correction schedule so wash and wax took place.
    got my first mini!
    daily driver , in bad shape , seats was stained and a lot of dirt /dust everywhere.
    i use a bisell extractor on seats and some apc plus lightly, afte rthat i spray some vinegar and extracted too with all the cleaner left in the seats.
    inside was use 303 protectant , and exterior was wash with onr , and wax with optimum car wax.

    F430 spider , red , wash with onr 2 buckets , air dry, wax with optimum and car wax. the rear window was polish with plexus. inside the seats was treated with meguiar`s m180. wheels got optimum car wax , top was clean and protected with 303 fabric guard.




    550 maranello , was the only one that was in good shape, but still some fresh wax did a difference. onr wash with 2 buckets , air dry , wax with opti-seal and car wax, interior done with 303 protectant.





    Some porsche action : carrera S
    same products as above except i wash the top with 303 detergent for conv. and a brush and i apply 303 fabric guard.




    miata , track car, was neglected for a while.
    on 70% was some stubborn tree stuff and some tar , the first thing after wash was to use claybar , poorboys bug squash , windows cleaner , bug sponge. each panel took extra time until i remove the contaminants. i use around 2 pieces of claybar , one meguiar`s and another one i think was uber.
    top was clean and protected with 303.
    before, in the back is the new porsche spyder , and an aston...soon :D
  2. Tripleskate

    Tripleskate Virgin Detailer

    Is it sad, that of all those cars I found the NC Miata the most eye catching? Maybe it's the concave face Enkei RPF-1's on race slicks? :thumb: Anyways, great results with minimal efforts, good job.
  3. getcha

    getcha Jedi Nuba

    Nothing wrong with some flush offset RPF1s settin a car off.

    Great work Cosmin, they all look fantastic
  4. kc1337

    kc1337 Obsessive Detailer

    I love the miata, used to have one, awesome little car.

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