No show!

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Frankastic, Nov 17, 2011.

  1. Frankastic

    Frankastic Detail Photographer

    Hi guys

    I like to hear some opinions on NO SHOW appointments. Im in business for 5 months and so far I had a few " No shows " and its starting to get annoying. I know sometimes in northeast weather gets hectic, n I totally understand, but simply ignoring my text is not the way to go about.

    So what do you guys think should happen, should I place something like a $$ booking refundable fee or just let it happen again n again ( part of being in business )

    even tho Im part time, if today I didn't make room for this person. I would of worked and earn overtime at work. so I lost $$$

  2. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    they didn't even email or call you up?
  3. Frankastic

    Frankastic Detail Photographer

    nope but I have a idea what happened.... person went to xyz shop to get some audio work done...then I google that xyz shop and just so happen they do detailing work...
  4. Chaseme

    Chaseme DB Forum Supporter

    Yeah - I would start doing the fully-refundable until said date thing.
  5. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Its something that comes with the business. The "average" detailing shop will experience around a 10% cancellation/no show rate. I talked to a client LAST NIGHT at 7pm to confirm todays appointment. This is a repeat client that we have dealt with for years. Called him at 10:30 today to see where he was and he couldn't make it. I don't care if you can't make it, but call or text so I have a chance to salvage the day. Now that client goes to the bottom of the heap when it comes to going out of my way to squeeze him in.
  6. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    Yeah I was working on a quote for a guy up till yesterday, only to find out his car was already being worked on. this kind of stuff happens to all of us.

    If you put a non refundable fee I think you will scare off your prospects.
  7. mike aesthetica

    mike aesthetica Jedi Nuba

    This happened last week, not in a regular slot, a forced slot that would've required me serious determination for the sake of getting them in. "I would really like to get this done soon as possible"

    3 hours before drop

    "I am trying to make it but I don't think I will, my [ride] is a [bad word], if you have any questions let me know"

    I call him back and offer to take him home and pick him up when its done. No answer or return. I was somewhat glad to be honest as it wouldve been a 48 hour day after getting off sickness.

    We are doing the same thing for new customers, non refundable but credit toward.

    AND what Ken says, good luck getting in now, we have a heck of a line and youre at the back.
  8. EvoFire

    EvoFire Birth of a Detailer

    Seems like something that's rather hard to deal with against, luckily and thankfully I haven't had any such problems, all my clients have always emailed before hand if something happens.

    Can we legally take down credit card numbers and tack on a fee if they do a no show? That way we won't take any actual money before hand, but also get some compensation for any potential no shows. Hotels do this, so I suppose its possible if you have an actual business license. For amateur enthusiasts like me, there isn't much I can do.
  9. Frankastic

    Frankastic Detail Photographer

    well I have a paypal account for my business, so if a customer is interested in getting their car detail. 1st they will have to paypal the refundable amount to the company. If the person cancels it within 48 hrs before set date. I will refund that amount back to that person. I think its fair and simple. also the booking fee is credit to whatever service they chose.
  10. mike aesthetica

    mike aesthetica Jedi Nuba

    Franki just make yourself a slot holding template so all you need to do is invoice them(the way I do with everyone). This way it visually looks familiar like online checkout and that way they have their "receipt" and proof you sent it as opposed to an "accident" or some other BS line.
  11. JoeyV

    JoeyV Welcome to Detailing

    I have a firm plan of action set in place to avoid this kind of thing. If I do not personally know the client, there is a 10% "reservation fee" that is NOT refundable unless there is a very good reason for the "no show"(Wife giving birth, car accident, etc.) Other than that, I require a minimum of 24 hours notice for a cancellation, in which case I will refund the deposit. The reservation fee is deducted from the total amount once the client does show up.

    In any case, the minimum a client should do is call to cancel their appointment. Also, never go about talking with a client via text messages. Texting is for friends, clients are not friends (unless they are, but that's a different story). I always use the phone in a traditional way to make appointments and get updates = I make a phone call...and leave a message if they do not answer.
  12. Frankastic

    Frankastic Detail Photographer

    I just had my wisdom tooth done, I sound really weird talking though my teeth lol, not this time maybe next time I'll make phone calls.
  13. Wheelz25

    Wheelz25 Jedi Nuba

    I think it all comes down to knowing your customer and always being able to plan for the worst...I have weekly/bi weekly, etc. set appointments and if I have a odd feeling they might not be in the office that day, I'm already thinking of who I might be able to call that is in close proximity to fill that spot.

    Some people have crazy schedules and honestly either have a one time memory lapse and some just have a disregard for your time. You will QUICKLY learn who some of these people are and what category they fall under.

    Unfortunately if you have a cancellation fee policy and they cancel and have to pay you whatever fee you charge, I would think most will NOT reschedule just for the sheer fact that they feel slighted already. Just my opinion.

    I do text some customers. Just some. It's simply easier for them to communicate that way. I don't think it's an absolute no no but again, it's only some and they will generally text me first.
  14. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    I do text clients for confirmations. Most people feel obligated to carry on a conversation when its a phone call. Usually the night before the appointment I'll text the client and ask simply " are we still on for tomorrow ?" I get a simple one word answer and everyone is on their way. I do a lot of booking appointments via text with clients I already service as they already understand what we are going to do. For new clients, phone calls or in person are better so you can go into detail about your services.
  15. DirtyWeRX

    DirtyWeRX DB Forum Supporter

    I've only had one total cancellation so far. It was this past Sunday actually lol... more on that later... gives me a good idea for a thread though...

    Most of the time, my schedule is flexible enough to where I can reschedule them comfortably.
  16. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    I have not had anyone no show, but i have had people call and cancel, or flake out with random excuses.... its annoying, after the 2nd or 3rd time of being brushed off i just stop calling them back .

    But really what can you do? its not like a dr. appointment where you can charge them for a missed appointment.
  17. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

    I do text and e-mail, a phone message can be .............................................gone with the wind, this just happened to me again as Bing and I were driving back from Vegas(SEMA) show and the guy came up with a silly-a** instead of a very long line he gets the "Do not do" list with his name added to it, new client as well is a no client now.

    People can only get away with what they are allowed too, like children the Bible says"Spare not the rod" obviously the "Rod" cannot be implemented but respect is a two way street and when someone commits to a appointment only to cancel at the very last minute it shows that this person looks at you as someone in the "Washjockey" category, and that person will only learn the lesson when it hurts the pocketbook or if they want YOUR service but they have been dismissed..............and they know why.

    I usually get a pretty good feel for flaky tendencies, but sometimes they slip through and when they do I do not real mad I just tell them "I am sorry we cannot do business and here is why" the look on some peoples faces is worth it as they cannot believe I will not do the car, at the moment I have a guy who has used me for nine years plus and he pulled this B.S.................and gentlemen he has EVERY EXOTIC made and he keeps calling and calling and calling............................he knows as he pulled this stuff before and I put him on a three year timeout, did not learn so like "Permafrost" he call will not be returned ...................ever and some view this as arrogant where I view this as correcting bad conduct like a badly marred finish. .02 $
  18. JSF721

    JSF721 Jedi Nuba

    When you book an appointment, I would send a confirming e mail letting therm know that you have set aside X date and time to detail their 2012 X Car and you are making sure everything you will need will be here for their vehicle. Let them know Detailing is a much lengthier process than most people know consistaning of 85 individual steps and their being on time is extreemly impoortant so that you can complete their detail in the time you have slotted. If there is any reason you cannot keep your appointment, kindly let me know X days in advance so that I may try to book another customer and not lose that days work.

    Guilt wont scvare them off, asking for $$$$ up front might.

    Just my 2 cents.
  19. hamza7

    hamza7 Welcome to Detailing

    Wow now that's skills, someone is calling you for details and you blow him off like he did you....what I like here is that your not cringing for his business. Even though he holds he the money and the car and we hold the buffing wheel...we stand at the same height( it's a saying like that, don't know if it makes sense in English but it does in my language)
  20. mike aesthetica

    mike aesthetica Jedi Nuba

    If it means anything to the "old boys" here I have noticed a serious relationship between no-shows and a weak handshake/lack of eye contact during inspection....

    just a thought..

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