I received a call a while back concerning a paint correction on a few cars, this GTR is the first one that we were going to correct. Once the GTR was washed and clayed we pulled it in the sun to see what the condition of the paint was. I was able to capture a lot of defects in the paint in the direct sunlight it was in decent shape but still needed our touch to get it to how it should look. It took three steps to achieve a 100 % Correction. Enjoy the photos. Before Damage Shots [/U][/URL] [/U][/URL] Wheels / Wash Process Final Polish Stage Crystal Rock Applied [/U][/URL] After Sun Shots/Reflection Shots [/U][/URL]
Nicely done! The wheel fitment(both tire and wheel size taken into perspective) looks very good. Kind regards,
I think you do some great work, and respect your details, but I was surprised to spot this picture with the cord resting against the paintwork, and presumably being dragged across the bumper while the hood is being corrected.