Nikon D40 kit is $350 again

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by liverbomb88, Apr 26, 2009.

  1. liverbomb88

    liverbomb88 Virgin Detailer

    Nikon D40 kit with 18-55 lens. Good beginner dSLR. Not as good as new D5000, but significantly cheaper. YMMV, as coupon code is for furniture (it worked for me). Details on SlickDeals.
  2. ghost28

    ghost28 Birth of a Detailer

    The D40 is a Great little camera....i bought one when the first came out a few years ago when a DSLR was like voodoo to most people....

    i love mine albeit a bit fragile at times (dont drop it)...although Nikon service center which is about 5 miles from my house was great about having it fixed in a weeks time.........

    photo quality is great and its really easy to ist alot smaller and lighter than its bigger brothers......

    i paid almost $600.00 for this same kit when i bought it.....thats a killer price....
  3. kei169

    kei169 Wax on..Wax off

    consider D90 has already came out for around 1000, $350 is pretty reasonable to me.
  4. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Isn't this the one that's limited in Nikkor lenses it can take?
  5. liverbomb88

    liverbomb88 Virgin Detailer

    Yes, only AF-S, but usually beginners like me don't have an assortment of older lenses. The D40 is also only 6MP. Enough for me, but not for those who do major cropping or enlargements.
  6. SpecC

    SpecC Wax on..Wax off

    6 MP isn't a big deal, but the D40 will limit the kinds of lenses you can buy.
  7. Ottawamax

    Ottawamax Virgin Detailer

    I picked this camera up last week here in Canada, bought it at Black's photography and paid $449 CDN with the 18-55mm lens. I've never had experience with an SLR and in a matter of a few minutes I took these pics with it (which I think I turned out decent). I'm excited to learn how to use this thing over the summer.

    Attached Files:

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