Newbie Needs Help!!!

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by yoyomoefoe, May 20, 2008.

  1. yoyomoefoe

    yoyomoefoe Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    i have just recently been handed a 1996 S500 mercedes benz from my father. the car is in nearly off the lot condition it has a dark midnight blue paint job. it has been gagrage kept sinse day 1 and has only been rained on 2 times since we have owned it. never the less never seen a snowfall or salty condition. it only driven 5 months out of the year and is kept in a temperature controlled garage. just running that past to give an idea on the paints condition. its great. but with my irritating attention to detail i know it could sparkle like a crystal chandalear. it has very very light swirl marks on it. it was buffed and waxed about a year and a half ago about a month before he stopped driving it. i want to do a complete buff and wax to car. but im not too fimilear with what to use on it. im new to using a rotary buffer. what would get the job done? i have about $300 to spend on product. thats including the buffer. im used to doing everything by hand and im wondering what is the biggest differance in hand and machine application? another thing what could give me the best results with OTC products. iv always used meguiars products. but i see that there are greater reviews for other products. and a big question. what is the results from applying wax with bare hands rather applicator pads? does it have something to do with heating the wax? im more than sure i can get some help from here than asking a pepboys salesman lol.
  2. richy

    richy Guest

    :welcome:Welcome to DB! A question for You: Why would you accept such a crappy car like that???? Just kidding..hahahahahah. Lucky for you, bud. To answer your questions, I would recommend a flex so you have both rotary as well as RO features. I am a strong, strong advocate of menzerna (get either 106 or 85rd) as well as Duragloss products. You may not need the protection if it's going to stay in the garage, but it is still good to have for bird bombs, pollution, pollen, etc. I would recommend the 501, 601, 105 combo. Good luck and again, welcome.
  3. haper

    haper Birth of a Detailer

    what do you already have for supplies? i'm not sure $300 will get a machine buffer and all the supplies you need.
  4. yoyomoefoe

    yoyomoefoe Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    im not looking at getting anything super duper spectacular at the moment lol. i have a random orbital buffer already. its not a high end one. i was thinking of etting one of those 6 inch 3500 rpm single hand buffers for like 30 bucks at pepboys are those anygood?
  5. MadOzodi

    MadOzodi Nuba Guru

    All those things are, are electric applicators. At the very least, I'd recommend a PC 7424 kit to keep you under your $300 budget.
  6. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    Give phil a call at Detailers Domain and see what kind of a kit he can make you close to your price range.
  7. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    A PC kit is probably your best bet and would meet your $300 budget, as MadOzodi has mentioned.

    Good luck searching! :)
  8. MadOzodi

    MadOzodi Nuba Guru

    Whoops, thanks AR...I just assume that people will already be going through DD.
  9. Usjdmtuner

    Usjdmtuner Wax on..Wax off

    $300 would be tough.. when i started i spent close to that with a PC and not even close to what i needed.. I would definitely invest on Makita rotary.. Ask Phil at DB or Amazon.. about $180 for the rotary and spend the rest on Menzerna kit from DB. that will cover your $300.. but youll need other random stuff:

    -Lots of Microfiber towels
    -Clay bay
    -Spray detailer for lube
    -Foam pads with backing plate
    -masking tape
    -Wax or sealant
    -pre wax cleaner

    ... that is just parts of it.. you can browse through this thread on SHOW and SHINE and itll give you an idea on what people use ... GOOD LUCK and WELCOME
  10. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    When you call Phill at DD, he will get the most for your 300.00 or just a little more.
  11. MadOzodi

    MadOzodi Nuba Guru

    Ya, if anyone knows how to do it up and get started quick, hit the ground running,'s Mr. Usjdmtuner. But I don't think he knows what budget means, LOL. :p:
  12. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    There is no such thing as a budget for this stuff especially if you want the top of the line stuff. Then again its all up to how much you want to spend on your vehicles, then you have some of us that just want to say we have the highend waxes just to say we have them-lol
  13. MadOzodi

    MadOzodi Nuba Guru

    Sure there is AR. yoyomoefoe's initial budget could be $300. But he'll soon learn, as so many of us have, that then next purchase's budget could very well be higher. :D
  14. yoyomoefoe

    yoyomoefoe Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    my budget for the moment being is $300:giggle: but then by thursday ill have alot more to work with. but the problem honestly is not the money. i have an issue with patience i dont have all the time in the world to wait for stuff to come in the mail sadly. i really wanna know where i could possibly pick up a nice rotory buffer at a location rather order it online. but i might be shit out of luck as they say lol.

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