New M3...

Discussion in 'Professional Detailer's Studio' started by Clark, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. Clark

    Clark Two Bucket System Washer

    A nice easy one to finish the end of last week with, a protection detail on this M3 Cab:


    Overall not too bad, just the usual winter grime you get at this time of year:



    As always, the pre-foam comes first - Hyper Wash @ 60 degrees:


    Left to dwell for 5 mins:


    Then rinsed off at high pressure, taking a good 10 minutes to get as much grime off as possible:


    Menzerna 7.5 was sprayed onto the wheels and left for 30 secs:


    Then agitated with various brushes:



    After the wheels were rinsed off, the tyres and arches were cleaned with Megs Super Degreaser and then rinsed off:




    Eimann Fabrik Engine Degreaser was used for the engine bay:

    - Sprayed on and left for 30 secs:


    Then agitated:


    And then rinsed off:


    After another foam, the car (including the shuts) was then washed with a lambswool mitt and the 2BM:


    After rinsing, I removed some minor tar spots with Tardis and then put the car inside for claying.

    Marsha helped for this bit as she'd finished packing all the days orders:


    Gloss-It Mild clay was used, as you can see the paint had little contamination, this was the worst of it:


    The car was then dried off with a MF towel and I then removed some transport wax that was still visible in the engine bay/shuts etc:


    After some Tardis on a work towel:


    With the paint nicely prepped and dried off, it was time to lay down the initial basecoat of sealant, using Werkstat Acrylic Prime:


    This was worked into the paintwork using a damp MF pad and then buffed off after 10 mins.

    Acrylic Jett was then applied with a plush MF:


    3 coats of Jett were applied with 30 mins in between each coat. It's a great product especially for winter as the protection is awesome once there's several coats on and all the products work perfectly regardless of temperature :)

    Whilst I was doing the paintwork Marsha polished up the tailpipes with Megs NXT metal polish:


    She also sealed the wheels with Blackfire's Metal Sealant...


    ...then dressed the tyres with Gloss-It:


    Once left for 15-20 mins and then worked in with an applicator pad, the tyres end up looking like this:


    The product dries into the tyres with no excess residue so sling isn’t an issue :)

    I Rain-X'd all the exterior glass:


    I then turned my attention to the interior, which needed a quick hoover and then an entire wipe down of all surface areas.

    It would appear the dealership gave it a nice going over with some shiny dressing. Here's a tip - If you're going to dress the interior, make sure you do all of it...



    Gloss-It Leather Cleaner was used to wipe down all leather and vinyl/plastics:


    Raceglaze Leather Balm was then used to feed the leather:


    Interior glass was cleaned with Eimann Fabrik and the shuts were the polished/sealed with Werkstat Prime Strong:


    Left to cure:


    Buffed off:




    The paintwork was then given a light mist with Werkstat Acrylic Glos:


    Then buffed off to remove any smears from the Jett:


    The Rain-X was then removed with the help of the Rain-X glass cleaner:


    The engine was also dressed with 303 Aerospace Protectant:


    And here are the after pics, some taken with my camera and some with Rich's D300 as always:


















    Total Time: 8 hours

    Thanks for looking :)

  2. philttz

    philttz Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    as always, beautiful work!
  3. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    well done sir
  4. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    Looks great Clark! Is that a toilet bowl brush that you use for the wheel wells?
  5. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    Wow, Looks great. very well done...:thumb:
  6. Clark

    Clark Two Bucket System Washer

    Nah, it's smaller than that lol!

    It's more like a bottle brush, but a bit softer :)
  7. Nica

    Nica Banned

    hahah toilet brush :fs:

    Great write up Clark, always enjoy your details, thank you for taking the time to share with us...keep them coming :thumb:
  8. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Wow that looks great, I need to get me some of that Werkstatt. Do you find it a lot more effective to use hot water rather than just regular temperature water? Also, we'll need more pictures of Marsha.:p:
  9. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    Wow fantastic job and the Werkstatt is looking great. Love the write up as well, very informative! Beautiful job on a beautiful car.
  10. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Looks absolutely jizztastic!!!
  11. 03trippleblackls

    03trippleblackls Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    So does jizztastic mean what i think it does? lol:worship2:
  12. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    man tha's one sick beast!! kinda like it better than someone's M5!!
  13. Clark

    Clark Two Bucket System Washer

    Yep, hot water helps massively. Especially at this time of year with all the crap off the roads :thumb:

    Cheers guys!

  14. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    Looks Great :thumb:

    Nice color too.

    I gotta try that tyre dressing. They looked good. How I like them to look.!!
  15. bigpoppa

    bigpoppa Jedi Nuba


    Nice work, sort of a boring color though. :shrug:
  16. Takumi587

    Takumi587 Birth of a Detailer

    What did you dress the engine with? or did you even dress the engine at all?
  17. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    Fantastic finish Clark, keem them comming:thumb:
  18. agentf1

    agentf1 Jedi Nuba

    Love the M3. I have a Space Gray 335i and it runs its balls off, I could only imagine another 100 hp. That hood and fenders are sweet also.

    What is the car parked on? Is that to catch the water for the environment?
  19. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    Fantastic job! :worship2:
  20. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    How long have you had your 335i ? My brother just got his and it only has about 220miles on it so hes still breaking it in but I havent found that car to impress me like i though when i dorve it a few times. I think we need to fully break it in to see what kind of performance its capable of.

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