New guy with 2004 Black Jeep Rubicon help!

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by Chris Derrick, Aug 20, 2009.

  1. Chris Derrick

    Chris Derrick Virgin Detailer

    Hello everyone, I purchased a used jeep few months ago and the paint has not been taken care of at all. I swore I woud never purchase another black car or truck but for some reason I talked myself into this jeep. I had a guy color sand and buff it and he did good job but the more I look at it the more it is frustrating me. Now the paint is greasy looking after I wash it like what ever he used is still on paint and from 10yards it looks great get up close and not so great. He didn't wax just used black cherry cleaner glaze. He told me not to wax???? My question for you all is what is best thing to do to get this jeeps paint into the best condition it can be in? I do not have buffer or DA. Can I do it by hand with applicators and if so what would you all recomend me using? I don't care to spend a ton of money buying all kinds of so called sealants, waxes, soap's etc if not proven. What is wrong with like say Mothers 3 step system? Or any parts store products is there really a big difference? I have a factory fiberglass black top on the jeep also that has some oxidation not really sure what to use to get it to come back and then protect it. Am I wasting my time purchasing stuff at the auto parts store, I have a shelf full over the years of different stuff. Black paint is just really tricky and now I have a vehical that some one has abused and I am trying to do best with what I have. Thanks Guys please let me know. Chris
  2. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    That is your problem right there, he just put on a glaze to cover up all the swirls marks on the paint and make it look good for the sale.

    Only really way to get it to look good is going to be machine polish. You could do it by hand but it wont be as good and will take a long time and a lot of work. It will require some hand polishing pads and some polishes that were made to be used by hand. You can find some polishes at stores but not many of them.

    Greasy look could be from the oils in the glaze that was used.

    Mothers 3 step will not have a abrasive polish to take the swirls and marring out of the paint but only cover them up for a short time, till next wash.
  3. Duratys

    Duratys Welcome to Detailing

    Sounds like your either going to have to spend some money on the proper equipment or pay a profesional to do it for you. There are a few threads in here with used tools and products for sale if you dont want to buy new. Welcome to the forum!
  4. Solidsnake

    Solidsnake Jedi Nuba

    Well.. There's always room for retribution, you know where he lives and wouldn't it be really awful if someone just applied some sort of wax to his car during the night and in the morning the sun baked it onto the clear coat? That'd be harsh..:shrug:
  5. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    I would reccomend claying the car first. And seeing that your trying to watch your budget, I would reccomend a 2 step Duragloss Treatment. You can get Duragloss at Car Quest.

    I have never tried any of there products, but they seem to have like some kinda cult-following :giggle: Actually I stopped at a Car Quest a couple of weeks ago and checked out there limited product line....There was a 1/2" of dust on every bottle, so I opted out(I'm sure if you ask the counter help they could order what you want)

    Maybe some of the Duragloss crew can chime in

    Good Luck,
    ~~~~~~Flash :chips:
  6. Solidsnake

    Solidsnake Jedi Nuba

    Oh.. I forgot to welcome you to the forums, Chris..

    Uhm, Welcome to DB!:loud:
  7. Chris Derrick

    Chris Derrick Virgin Detailer

    So should I wash and maybe use somthing to get all the glaze and cleaner off so I can really tell what paint looks like? What can I use to get all the stuff off the paint? I have clay bars, dishwashing dawn soaps, I read on here where some use alchol/water mix? I do think he got lot of the improfections out scratches, bird droppings, and lot of flaws I could not. If I remove all the glaze get it down to just paint and clearcoat and its not swirled up what would you guys recomend me using? I have oreillys, Napa, both can get 3m stuff. I would like to do this right by hand but if you say its not possible I have a 7" polisher/sander with 3m hookiit back up pad. 1000-3000rpms. The other problem with the jeep is all the obsticals I have to work around its a nightmare! Rubber everywhere, fenders, body lines, hindges, screws, bolts, etc....... Detailers nightmare! I would prefer to do by hand. This is what I have on hand
    (3M Detail Polish #208) (Ardex 4210 stereo-Glaze #1) (Mothers California Gold pure Carnuba past wax) I have not tried any of these. Both the glaze and polish are loaned to me and Mothers I have used for years on other cars. Thanks guys in advance.
  8. Chris Derrick

    Chris Derrick Virgin Detailer

    WOW the more I read on this site the more blown away I become! There is soooo many different ways to go about doing somthing hu? If you was in my shoes, and had the black paint I am telling ya about what products would you use? I am not against ordering on line just dont want to drop $50 for some wax that I am not sure if it works? This is not a new paint but would like to get it up to snuff and get some products that work well on black and are easy on easy off no greasy swirly after ward! If you think I could get this product at local store tell me what kind, if you think I should order on line please give me your thoughts on what to use and purchase. Thanks Chris
  9. Chris Derrick

    Chris Derrick Virgin Detailer

    Last question for tonight guys, My fenders are showing age and not sure what to use to bring them back. Also like I mentioned above my hard top if fiberglass and black. It has never had much of anything on it and I am not really sure even what to start to use on it. It is just dull and light oxidation would like to remove the oxidation and bring back to black. Thanks guys and good night. CD
  10. Ol' Red

    Ol' Red Virgin Detailer

    You could probably use on of the compounds/polishes you are going to get to remove the dead paint on the fenders. I took mine off and sprayed Krylon Fusion on them and they look great.

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