Need suggestions/feedback on products

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by stealthmode, Feb 27, 2009.

  1. stealthmode

    stealthmode Two Bucket System Washer

    Thinking of picking up some new products to try out. Which ones would you guys recomend?
    -Meg's M105/205
    Any other meg's polish a must have or any meg's product? Also how does the 105/205 compare to the menz lineup?
    -Meg's Soft Buff Pads & 3m UK Pads (already have 3m UK pads, guess they are the older ones?)
    Is the whole lineup of pads for each brand good or some that people were dissatisfied with?
    -Gloss It
    Don't know which products to try, seen other forum members post up nice pics/results. Looking to pick up anything from polish to tire dressing. As long as other members have had good experiences with the products, I'm willing to give it a shot.
  2. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    M105 is a great product but has been very difficult to use for alot of people. M205 isn't bad, very user friendly but it doesn't have the gloss level of Ultrafina and 85RD. Menzerna has a better gloss level across the board but is slightly harder to use, but once you get the hang of it you will be fine. 3M pads are nice, so are the CCS and the new Kompressor pads. As far as a wool pad goes I like the 3m ones.
  3. dublifecrisis

    dublifecrisis Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    between Menzerna's best polishes and the 105/205 combo I say get both!! seriously, rather than having a bunch of unnecessary shelf clutter if I could have 105/205 and then say SIP and NANO etc... what else would I ever need except a good AIO?
  4. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    I really like M105 and just picked up M205 but haven't had the chance to try it yet. I also picked up Menz 203 and look forward to trying that out as well. The 3M UK pads are by far my favorite of the ones I've tried (Excel Propel/Erasure and 3M US). I haven't tried anything from Gloss-It but I'm thinking of picking up their 3" backing plate.
  5. stealthmode

    stealthmode Two Bucket System Washer

    I already have the menz line. Just looking to try something else. Maybe I will just give gloss-it a shot.:shrug:
  6. stealthmode

    stealthmode Two Bucket System Washer

    Anyone have any reviews or thoughts on the megs soft buff pads? From cutting to finishing, which ones do you like the best?
  7. odgaard

    odgaard Birth of a Detailer

    ive been looking at the meguiars 105 but at a little more cash i can get menzerna. mind as well stick with what i know and have experience with. i do however, need to broaden my range of menzerna products

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