Need help - scratched my windows all to heck

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by TeaLeaf, Aug 8, 2011.

  1. TeaLeaf

    TeaLeaf Virgin Detailer

    I had heavy rainspot build-up on the windows of my car. They would not come off with regular wash or even with a vinegar solution.

    Someone recommended Barkeeper's Friend which is a glass cleaner product. I tried it on one of my windows and, hey!, it worked great, rain spots were gone and it looked clear. So I did the whole car. Unfortunately, now, when the light shines at a particular angle I can see swirl scratch marks EVERYWHERE. It's horrible.

    I've been reading a good glass polishing compound can fix this. These aren't deep scratches and you probably couldn't feel them -- you don't even see them unless, like I said, light hits the glass at a particular angle or you look very close.

    So any recommendations on a product for this?

    Thanks so much for any advice.

    DJBAILEY Birth of a Detailer

    Polishing scratches out of glass can be a bitch. I gave up on it a few years ago when I ended up making my pickup truck's windshield worse. The glass just never finishes out nicely. You'll always see something. All the big stuff was gone and it looed perfect during the daytime, but when I drove at night you could see thousands of extremely fine holograming lines.
    I did them same type of thing on my pickup where I used a Spot-X scrub pad (3M type brillo pad - white) and some Glass Science Glass Scrub. That supposedly non-scratch pad scratched the hell out the all the windows and I couldn't tell until I brought the truck inside and turned on the halogens. Fine scratches everywhere.

    I kept trying to refine it but the the lines would just kept shifting. So now I only polish glass to remove waterspotting, no scratch removal. Its probably why the glass repair companies don't really offer glass polishing services. Its not worth the time and effort to them when they can just replace the windshield.

    There a a LC Glass polishing pad that is made of very dense foam that has cerum-oxide polish embedded into the pad already that may be a good choice if the scratches are very fine.. Beware of the LC glass cutting discs. They are extremely aggressive. Those discs should come with a warning label. The foam pad I had heated up so much that the glue melted and the backing material came off. So I put that stuff away for good.

    I hit the windows about 3 times with a 4" yellow cutting pad and some DG Nu-Glass to make the windows acceptable. It drives me crazy everytime I drive that truck at night. I plan on replacing the windshield in the near future because I consider it dangerous now.
  3. Bmer89

    Bmer89 DB Forum Supporter

    #0000 steel wool anyone? That's what I use and I haven't had any problems with scratching.

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