Mytee Lite 2

Discussion in 'Tools - Machine Polishers, Pressure Washers, Detai' started by FMINUS, Feb 19, 2008.


    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

    What are you guys using for extraction solution?
    Ive been using CG lighting w Zep/

    Do you guys use a cleaning solution to clean the machine itself?
  2. Al-53

    Al-53 Welcome to Detailing

    Phil..I have been using chemicals from Matrix and Pro Pack...real good stuff...

    I have used the Zep extractor soap..not bad...good for mild to medium dirt...but the stuff above is for soccer moms SUV and real soiled still does nice on lite stuff....

    when I am done i run a vinegar water mix thru a half gallon of each in the tank...just to clean it some what....and after 10 uses i have a cleaner i bought to remove any scale on the heater ...


    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

    Wow a gallon of vinegar in to clean it each time? WOW $$$.
    Have u used the CG lightning extractor?

    Do you ever just spray the chemical on with a sprayer and then use nothing but hot water from teh machine? Seems like it would be easier to clean up that way.
  4. Obsessive Detail

    Obsessive Detail Pro Detailer - Lifetime Member

    I use the Mytee Spyder extractor. I use all ProChem chemicals. I use their Traffic Lane cleaner to pretreat the carpets, I use a gallon spray with this. In my water tank I use their All Fiber Rinse. This combo works great for me.

    To clean the machine I use CLR. If I remember correctly I get 3 uses out of one bottle.
  5. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    I have some chemical cleaner ment for carpets.. picked it up from safeway and works well.. its located in the same spot as the extractor rentals..
  6. gmblack3

    gmblack3 Top 9 detailer in the US to serve you in Atlanta


    AFR in the tank or dry slurry for heavier stains/dirt.

    Bac-out by bio kleen is an excellent pretreat for food based stains.

    Depending on how often you use it, run a gallon of vinegar thru every month or two. It takes a while, but I spray it right back into the gallon container for reuse.
  7. Al-53

    Al-53 Welcome to Detailing

    Phil I use a mix of a half gallon or water and half vinegar...and just spray it in a bottle to reuse again...I have semi-hard water here in my well so I try to keep any build up down...and the vinegar is 1.99 a keeps it fresh smelling...maybe I should use it straight like GM does...I just went by what Mytee said to then use the other cleaner monthly for scale removal

  8. gmblack3

    gmblack3 Top 9 detailer in the US to serve you in Atlanta

    Al, If that is what Mytee said to do, then I would guess that is best. :)
  9. Al-53

    Al-53 Welcome to Detailing

    GM..they said it also helps to keep any slime build up in the water line since some cleaners can promote some type of a algea which can clog the nozzles if not used regularly...

    anyways vinegar is even do my rugs in the house with a vinegar andwater mix to freshen them up the vinegar will pull up any residual soap residue in fibers..and keep from resoiling...and it does not make it smell like salad a clean smell

  10. D&D Auto Detailing

    D&D Auto Detailing DB Forum Supporter

    I use similar chemicals as Juztang.
  11. gmblack3

    gmblack3 Top 9 detailer in the US to serve you in Atlanta

    Thanks Al!

    I have a floor wand for the house (still need to use it in the house) I used it on some long minivan mats once and it needs cleaned out.
  12. Al-53

    Al-53 Welcome to Detailing

    HA...I bought the floor wand also....wait till you use it in the will never think your carpet was that dirty..even though they look just pulls it actully see the carpet lift from the suction...

  13. jsatek

    jsatek Birth of a Detailer

    Pro-Chem fiber rinse. I don't believe you shouldn't be using a degreaser or strong cleaner in the extractor.

  14. Al-53

    Al-53 Welcome to Detailing

  15. DLR Detailing

    DLR Detailing Jedi Nuba

    Very good info here guys!
    I just use a plain distilled water rinse, no chemicals in the Mytee. After reading the links, I may have to change my method.
    Thanks AL-53!
  16. 1f1fan

    1f1fan Birth of a Detailer

    Great info!

    I have been using ProChem TLC, hitting it up with hot water and extracting with a shop vac for spot treatment. It works but is a major PITA. I did my wifes floor mats and it took forever.

    I am picking up a Mytee Lite II along with some Dry Slurry next Friday...can't wait!

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