Interior detailing...hhhmmmm..not sure but ill post anyway.. I have tried for ages to change the interior lighting on my car but Vuaxhall always told me that due to the canbus the change was impossible...well.. I was despert for a colour change from orange to blue so i had to wop up a thread after seeing the jaffa car transformed into the Millenium Falcon... Daz a mate came down yesterday from Cleethorpes and we had a boys weekend in my garage.. This is the original which i hate as i want a golf look neon blue and red to match the car.. So the first thing to do was order a pizza and get the car stripped out.... at the last two photos it wasnt that bad really they were from my seat retrim...but it tickled me So once Daz had stripped the dash etc i decided to go and take some Valium as my beautiful car looked like a meccano kit.....I would like to add that Daz had heard a rumour that i was very fussy and he was extremely careful with my interior which filled me with confidence...All lies of course i was just excited about tomorrow and my new interior clean up detail...wahooo!! Daz got on with the job in hand... These were obvioulsy the largest smd,s and this was my lcd screen (is that whats its called) now in blue.....Daz checked every smd to make sure they were working before moving on to the next one.. YEA BLUE BABY YEA!!!!! Now i have to be honest i wasnt feeling too well today being stuck in the garage with my thumbs twiddling so i asked Daz if he would bring his new wheels with him so i could see them and couldnt resist it so i got them all out and started zaino,ing them z2pro today...looOOOool. Left for 20 minutes and buffed off...Then i layered collonite 915 on them and once dryed buffed off and then done the rears and inner spokes so Daz now has bling wheels to take back oooP North... I think after 20 minutes of pi$$ing his pants he finally managed to solder again.......I felt better now and my shakes had all but gone.. There is actually a smd on this 5p thats needs soldering And some guys say oooh ill have a go......My advice is unless you are really really competent dont bother..After watching today i really would not attempth this!! I thought i may be able to but there is no chance!!! If you are going to do it or try then start on the roof lighting and the alarm sensor switch.....If you can do this one then you will do the rest!!! I bet you wont!! So Maxhead has his done aswell and at 1.00am Daz was on the final bit THE RESULTS Now it was the end of a long but fun day when we noticed this hoodie oik glaring inside my car and i was shocked Before i could do anything i realised my keys were in the car and he was off.. i was gutted but the police found the car in my garage the next morning with the oiks phone of a photo he had taken while drifting it down the M20 He has been forgiven and his pocket money will be reinstated when he buys me a new set of Pirellis.... (Thanks Daz for a superb job...Thanks to Macca for the more professional shots and thanks Louis for leaving the keys in the car!!)
I just saw this on DW.. I was hoping you would put this on DB Wicked mod... hope the "hoodied Oik" has learned his
wow the new lighting looks sweet.. but i have to ask.. is there anything still stock on that bad boy?
That is one FAPPIN' fantastic mod. Worth the effort, this should come stock from the factory this way...
Looks much better!!! Outstanding! I hate that punkin yelowish-orange-pumkin light Infiniti G35/ Nissan 350 Z has. I hate it so much, I wouldn't buy one just because of that light...
That looks sweeet. I am really loving that look, very clean and factory look, but better! Not a ricey blue either.
ooooh blue :druling: :druling: man I agree with Calgary is there anything left that is stock on that vehicle lol. I'm curious, will you be entering the vehicle in any competitions this year? If so I hope you do a full write up and lots of pictures...well you know what you normaly do :applause2: Vehicle looks great now you got me thiking about my to look for a pro that can do this here in town...Crossroad...:idea: Davenport....yea....Davenport should be able to do this right :idea:
oooooh really...:eyebrow: :eyebrow: :eyebrow: ....I need to go visit Davenport then :thumb: well just to get a dollar figuire that and I got an Ace up my sleave :giggle: :giggle:
its the kinda place that if you hae to ask its to expensive :giggle: but really, its a nice shop. I have only been once but it was really cool...ohh and he sells zaino is you want to pick some up localy.. crossroads can hook you up if your in calgary and like zaino.. but shhhh :flirt:
oooh even better I've been meaning to try Zaino...yes..yes...that's right I'll give it a shot :woopdedoo:
Great job on that mod! Boy, did you ever work hard to get it done too...I would have said "F*ck it when I saw what needed to be done.