My first detail

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by lizuming, Apr 10, 2011.

  1. lizuming

    lizuming Virgin Detailer

    Hello, I am about to do my first detail this spring. I have a 2011 Mercedes GLK, Obsidian Black.

    In the past couple of weeks I noticed alot of scratches on the car, I am not sure where these came from. (pictures below)




    How do I get rid of these scratches?

    Also, what products do I need to buy to do a basic detail, I was thinking of just buying the Chemical Guys brand of products.


    EDIT: the pictures don't seem to be showing up. here are the URL links:
  2. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    Im a big fan of Chemical Guys, but thier polishes are meh...... I would recomend looking at Menzerna or meguiars or even some of the Prima line. Phil (detailers domain) has some great kits of polishes etc.
    Do you have a polisher? what products do you currently have?
    What is your budget? that will give those who can make suggestions a more focused and educated recomendation.
  3. mrgolfrider

    mrgolfrider DB Forum Supporter

    Another option would be to see if anyone from the forum lives near you and might possibly be able to help you in person.

    Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk
  4. BuzzLightyear

    BuzzLightyear Virgin Detailer

    I have a C350 and found out through many forums that the Mercedes clearcoat is very hard, and hand polishing won't do - and many polishing compounds won't cut it. I use a random orbit polisher (Porter Cable) and a couple of Menzerna products - and it worked like a charm.

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