My A4 Cquartz + Dodo SN

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by Frankastic, Oct 27, 2011.

  1. Frankastic

    Frankastic Detail Photographer

    Hi guys

    Im preparing my car for winter and testing out some products. I polished the car before Cquartz is applied and wait 1 week for it to cure fully. Then I put a layer of Dodo supernatural on the paint, and WOW it's so bright!

    There's this RID ( random isolated defect ) on the back bumper that I didn't removed fully in fear of streaking through the clear coat. I have Paint Gauge, but doesn't read plastic on bumpers.








    Any questions or comments are welcome!

  2. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    Wow! Very, very impressive! I must give it a try too! Which SN did you use, new hybrid or older formula?
  3. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    You are going to love the Cquartz sheeting properties, when I had my STI, i never washed it really, just foamed it and rinsed and it was clean.... of course that was garage dust, but you get the idea. ReLoad is your friend, i tried other stuff and it sucked compared to it.
  4. Stokdgs

    Stokdgs Detail Master

    Franki -

    Wow, beautiful Detail !!!
    The Cquartz really gave the paint depth alone; your Prep work was perfect.
    The Supernatural really took the color and made it look darker ! It's beautiful !!

    Thanks for sharing.
    Dan F
  5. Wheelz25

    Wheelz25 Jedi Nuba

    looks great Franki..
  6. premshine09

    premshine09 Jedi Nuba

    Can I dive into the hood? Lookin good Franki!
    - Dan
  7. Frankastic

    Frankastic Detail Photographer

    I used the regular supernatural
  8. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Looks stunning, difficult color to maintain too!
  9. hamza7

    hamza7 Welcome to Detailing

    Good stuff franki, a4 looks mint
  10. richguy66

    richguy66 DB Forum Supporter

    I've always wanted to try this combo on my car but never got around to it. It was either between SN or Navi Wax Dark.
  11. v|nsan|ty

    v|nsan|ty Obsessive Detailer

    That is ridiculous gloss. Sick work!
  12. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    Looks amazing very nice

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