hello guys i need to buy a product like optimum Protectant Plus only for interior use for dressing plastic, leather and vinyl surface the protect plus is the only product or there are other product whit same ability ?? and meguiars hyperdress do the same thing?? thank you guys
I'm not quite sure what you're asking, but I use Meg's HD to dress engine bays, so I'm not really sure if it would be safe for interior plastic/leather/vinyl etc. For interior dressings I really like DG 321. It's also very cost effective.
303 aerospace might be your answer, but dont quote me on that. megs hyperdressing is NOT intended for interiors.
303 is the only one I can think off the top of my head but its almost double the price@gallon rate. Sonus also sells total eclipse but that will get expensive real quick if your using it on other cars. If its just yours than a 16oz bottle will last a bit. EDIT: even if you could use megs HD on leather, etc, it doesnt provide any UV protection like 303 and OPP
303 aerospace, autoglym, and werkstatt all have interior protectants that will suit the application you speak of.
I think Megs #40 will fit the bill. Meguiar's M40 Vinyl & Rubber Conditioner It does smell a little intense like strong leather cleaner. Works well on tires and engine bays too! :thumb: Edited: Reread your post. Its not for leather. Sorry man.