I decided to be productive today and organize my inventory to keep closer tabs on what I have and what I still need (yeah, right lol). Anyway, here is the stuff I use most often: New Stuff from Today: QD's and similar products: Waxes, Sealants, Wheel Sealants: Polishes and Glazes: My new baby: The whole shebang: Alot of stuff isn't shown, but they are all things you have probably seen before so I won't bore you.
Very nice, Very nice collection you have started there! How big is that RG55 sample? About a oz or so been thinking of picking one up from Ken next time I order from him. Also how do you like Gloss-IT QD? Have been thinking of picking up a bottle of that to try out...haha.. Now time for some proper detail write-ups!
I got 3 bottles of Gloss-it QD for $15 when they had an introductory offer, which was a phenomenal deal which is why I couldn't pass it up. It is very good, easily one of the best. Cleaning ability is its strong point, and is not tempermental and leaves a wonderful finish. Basically, it is easy to use and makes the paint very slick while adding a bit of protection. I have a bunch of writeups from last summer, but it's hard to do any detailing while I am at school most of the time unfortunately. Look for some threads coming up this week. Ankeet is right, it is a sample of RG55. I couldn't believe how small it was at first, I am not a fan of hand application of waxes so I am brain storming on how to get it out haha.
Thanks guys! It is a challenge organizing and storing all my supplies because I have limited cabinet space in the garage. I also like keeping everything grouped in terms of the similar products and that makes it even more challenging which is part of the reason why I pulled it all out to go through it. The worst is yet to come though: I still have 4 gallons of ONR coming in and 1 gallon of OPC. Oh, and Zymol Concours from Martin D which I am very excited about.
Thank you supercharged, I am trying to get a core collection going to simplify my arsenal because it is quite apparent I have too much stuff! If I were to start again, I would not have bought so many specialized products. For instance, I ordered Optimum Power Clean which will replace my carpet cleaner, APC, and vinyl and rubber cleaner. Now, 1 product is able to replace 4 seperate products and is a much better alternative in my opinion. This just in, the new king of my wax collection: Thanks Martin! Very well packed and protected.
Thanks, that complement goes to my parents. That's why I don't think they appreciated my detailing stuff being there.