This was a fun detail to do. Despite it being 93 degrees (it was 60 the day before) and having it really soften up the paint, this detail came out really nice. This car has been sitting in a garage for the last few months and the owner has not had the opportunity to work on it as you can see from the trunk and the rear bumper. He told me the guy who painted the roof had done a rough up job and that was evident. I did not touch the rear bumper because of its condition and the front facia was heavily etched with rock chips and bugs an either needed to be wetsanded or repainted which is still beyond my capability. Also, the side skirts were unpainted so they were left alone. The heat really hampered this one by softening up the paint way too much. Overall I was pleased with the results I was able to get with the time I had they were not 100% but close enough, this detail was in prep for a college car show we had on campus this past weekend in which a few of my jobs were showing in. Correction was done with Menz P0203 and a green CCS pad on the whole car, some areas needing two passes. LSP was P21s. Wheels were cleaned with Megs AWC and polished with Mother's Metal Polish. Interior was vacuumed and shampooed with the vinyl dressed with some OTC turtle wax stuff I had to pick up before I got there. Sorry for the lack of pictures... Befores Afters Some deeper swirls and scratches can be seen Thank you everyone for looking, I think more time spent would have proved better results. Moral of the story I NEED A CANOPY! Chas
93 degrees in April? Are you f'ing kidding? I bought myself a portable ac unit 2 summers ago and I love it...not to mention hte performance of hte products seem to improve with stable temps as well. Not to mention your mood. I do this as a hobby..I'd quit if I had to do it in that temp! Congrats for being tenactious.
Great job, especially in that heat. Its nuts right now. We are seeing temp fluctuations of 20+ degrees in one day. Good times.