Miracle Detail present Gtechniq Exo Ultra Durable Hybrid Coating on a Mclaren MP4-12c in silver!!!!!

Discussion in 'Professional Detailer's Studio' started by Paul Dalton aka Miracle, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. Paul Dalton aka Miracle

    Paul Dalton aka Miracle DB Pro Supporter

    HI Guys,

    Hope everyone is well, been a while since I have posted on here, so I can only apologise.

    Been testing this new Gtechniq EXO coating for some time, and its truly one of kind, super easy to apply, super hydrophobic (even beads petrol and diesel), super durable, and super glossy! Done over 40 apps now using EXO, and its the easiest coating in the world to apply, and after all the paintwork correction processes, we don't want a wax or coating thats going to be a nightmare to apply! We want super easy and the best finish and durability for our clients cars. And thats what Exo does!

    Here's a HD video of the finish....

    Miracle Detail - Mclaren MP4-12c with Gtechniq EXO - YouTube

    And here's some pictures of the Mclaren...


    Kind Regards
    Paul Dalton

    Miracle Detail.
    Tel: 07788-441150
    Office: 07788-441150
    Int'l: +44 (0) 7788-441150
    Email: info@miracledetail.co.uk
    Web: Miracle Detail - Car detailing - Paintwork Correction
    Youtube: MiracleDetail - YouTube
    Twitter: Paul Dalton (@MiracleDetailUK) on Twitter
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Miracledetail
    Swissvax car care Swissvax.ch Official International Swissvax Online Store
  2. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    great work! good to see you back.
  3. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

    Car looks great, taping of the trim is a must for McLaren's..............as the trim will stain badly if compound or wax gets on it.
  4. SoCal Garage

    SoCal Garage DB Forum Supporter


    Love your work and love the McLaren. One question, EXO is an aerosol and therefor initially airborne, are you wearing a respirator while applying? I have a concern regarding health issues with all the nano products that are coming to market—they are not substances I would want in my lungs. Thanks.

    TONY MONTANA DB Forum Supporter

    great job! does this mean your no longer using your crystal coating? also can you layer wax on top of the exo?
  6. mrd0t

    mrd0t Obsessive Detailer

    Your studio is insanely awesome!
  7. Socal Brian

    Socal Brian DB Forum Supporter

    Great job Paul!
  8. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Nice to see you back Paul. Grea job on the McLaren.
  9. MerrittDetailing

    MerrittDetailing Virgin Detailer

    been a fan for a while great job!
  10. ampbmw

    ampbmw DB Forum Supporter

    Would be interested to see how this competes with Wolf's Body Wrap
  11. Paul Dalton aka Miracle

    Paul Dalton aka Miracle DB Pro Supporter

    Exo is better than any other coating that I have used and tested. I originally had four coating to test, all failed my tests apart from Exo. I have Exo on my own car and when clients see how it reacts to water there sold immediately, its so easy to sell to clients!!
  12. amercour

    amercour Birth of a Detailer

    Detail - literally. Stunning work.

    What is the durability like? I have not been able to find a definite answer anywhere
  13. LostHighway

    LostHighway Jedi Nuba

    It sounds like G|techniq is claiming up to two years for EXO. Supposedly the slickness and hydrophobic qualities don't decline significantly over that time. The caveat, of course, is that since the product has only been in the hands of a tiny number of detailers for a couple months at most and that the public release still hasn't happened (to the best of my knowledge) so there isn't much real world data to draw on. My understanding is that it isn't scratch resistant or as durable as C1/C1+ and I think G|techniq is recommending those as a base coat with EXO on top. EXO is also slightly fussy about temperature. The panel temperature needs to be >70F/20C for the product to cure properly and warmer is preferred. As with other nano sealants the surface also needs to be scrupulously clean and dry for it to bond properly. If I have any of this wrong please correct me.
  14. brk4euros

    brk4euros DB Pro Supporter

    Excellent work Paul, would love to hear more about this product. . .

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