I like the P21S polishing soap..if i were in the market right now i would look at the new optimum metal polish, i think it seals as well..kinda like an AIO for metal...cheap too!
Flitz.by far the best metal polish i have ever.Removes the surface rust off of my fart can on my wrx(i bought it that way and will be changing the exhaust when i get the money).Its very easy 2 use.put a pea size amount on a any type of rag and wipe on and completely cover they area with a very very thin coat.then fold the towel over and begin to wipe off.works on all types of metals.
hmmm so many to choose from...guess i could get one of each? haha ill have to think about that one:shead:
If i were you I would try the new optimum metal polish. I hear good things about it and it's versatile!
I've been trying to find a metal polish myself so I'm gonna be watching this thread. I've seen a lot of people on here use Autosol and I just realize there's a place down the street from me that carries Autosol all the time.
Autosol is good for cleaning really nasty stuff as well. I always keep some on hand and I have 3 or 4 "finishing" polishes to play with. The Blackfire All Metal Sealant is nice as is a polish I have from Leprechaun. Yes, you read that right. The P21S is highly recommended especially for chrome bumpers even if they aren't tarnished. The shine it leaves is amazing.