So after leaving for vacation to Europe for 1month my father went to the states, while he was there he picked up my stack of supplies that was at my aunts house. After skyping him he showed me some stuff but 1 whole large order didnt arrive! and in one package I got a first aid kit... sent to my name (based on my father). He cant check as he unpacked everything to pack it in the car so now I can't check to which member to complain too or even if that was mine... Getting my cousin to send a photo of everything, hopefully things will get cleared up. BTW In Munich the airport was sweet that matte silver limited edition M3 100m away from our gate, pretty sweet. I got a feel for the paint and while its not rough its not completely smooth and the new Audi A8 is one sexy beast!
Got some relief today My dad told me that it was my aunt who bought it and left it in the car. That still leaves one thing left, what happened with the things Spyral sent me and my large DI order... I'll call my aunt when I get back.
Are you asking me what happened to your products? Gee, I dunno fella :shead: GL on getting this all sorted out :dupe: