What is the difference in Intensive Polish PO91E and Super Intensive Polish PO83/PO85RD3.02? Other than working on CeramiClear for SIP is the level of correction the same?
I think the SIP is a little more workable and I believe it finishes down a tad better, but don't quote me on that. Maybe Phil or another Pro will chime in.
I find that SIP cuts a lot faster and also has more bite than IP, especially when used on conventional cc. I've been able to remove scratches with SIP that IP did not.
SIP has twice the amount of cutting powder in it to make it work quicker. It was designed to cut quicker but finish the same.
On non ceramiclears, 91L has better cut but SIP finishes down better Though of course cars that we dont see in Australia like american cars, may have the SIP cut better than 91L