I have the edge system I was thinking about using Menz Power Finish with an edge blue wave pad, wondered if it may be better suited for the white or green, any thoughts
I have the edge system as well and over the last 6 months. I have found that any time I think I should use the the blue pad I really need the green pad and if I think I need the green pad I need the yellow pad. Thats the way that It's been working out. the reason I know this because I had to redo a couple of cars but I couldn't really tell until it was to late. Until I was out in the sun. The white pad is O-kay for burnishing and applying. The red pad is also very good for applying. I almost feel that this edge system as been hold me back. Although I really do like the concept. Very ingenious...Thats what I know to be the facts. Hope this helps...Start with the blue pad. I think you will like it...
Orange Light Cutting Pad – can be used on light to moderate swirls and imperfections. Recommend you begin with this pad if you are unsure how deep swirls are, moving up to a Green Medium Cut Pad if necessary.
Personally I think The orange pad is to hard. I know that is a light cut pad but every time I by passed this pad and went to the green the results were just out standing and you save youself a step...:thumb::thumb::thumb:
Can't help with the pads as I use a PC. That said I did use this new product on my 02 SG Pcar last weekend and I am sold on this stuff. I used the ccs white pad but could have used the green and made my life a little easier. Work the polish down to a light haze. It buffs very easy with great shine. I eliminted light scratches and swirls completely. I'll try to get some pictures up soon.