Here is a detail of wife's E46 (2004) 325 Ci that I did a week ago. Here is a few befores: Wheels: P21S Wheel cleaner gel Amazing Roll off EZ Brush OXO Brushes Megs Slide lock brush Vehicle was foamed with Tropi-Care citrus wash to remove any wax left: then rinsed: then pulled into garage and washed with Optimum ONR and GS: Then clayed woth Pinnacle Ultra poly clay and Pinnacle clay lube: Wheels removed cleaned with Megs wheel brightener and detarred with Tardis: Tardis doing its thing:
Rinsed, then clayed with grey clay and ONR: Rinsed, wiped dry, Jetsealed, and waxed with Collinite 476S: work in progress: FLex 3401 VRG, CMA dual foam pads, Menzerna SIP, PO106FF.
afters polishing: Sealed with BF Wet Diamond and waxed with Midnight Sun: afters: Tires dressed with SV Pneu:
Engine was cleaned with P21S TAW and dressed with 303 protectant: Door seales were conditioned with 1z Rubber care stick: Interior was vacuumed, carpets cleaned with Megs APC+ 10:1, leather cleaned with Leather Master strong cleaned, conditioned with LM vital, protected with LM protectant. Vinyl cleaned and protected with 1Z cockpit premium. Befores: Afters:
Thank you. Glad you liked it. thanks. Thanks. I love that wash, something a must have in my list now. Much better then stinky CWG, which keeps separating, and CWG stinks...
as long as those pics are more then just before and after (but include DURING the detailing process). Thanks.