LSP, which way to go moving forward?

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by Derek8819, Jan 29, 2012.

  1. Derek8819

    Derek8819 Virgin Detailer

    I just finished paint correcting my wife and I's two BMWs and now am looking for tips on LSPs. I have always used Zaino on the cars and understand now that this is a sealant. I did the polishing with D300 and followed with Z-PC, I laid a coat of Z-AIO on them both and then followed with 2 coats of Z-5. I tend to be a habitual reapplier of the Zaino, but should I look at a wax over the Zaino for better reflectivity? I am debating multiple coats of Z-2 now or splurging on something like Swissvax Glacier, but do not know which would give better optical clarity and durability? I am not sure if I can even wax over the Zaino. Any tips on how to finish them off?
  2. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    Honestly, on a white car a wax may not do much other then create more protection, Ive played with LSPs and Waxes on a friends white honda van, and it did not do much. I being a Zaino Fan will say keep layering the zaino, but if you want to yes, you can wax over it.

    What I would do is pick a panel, see if someone has some Glacier to buy as sample and test it.

    before jumping in head first and buying a whole jar, you either will like it or you won't. is their flake in the paintwork on your cars? If so the Nuba will definitely bring that out more.
  3. Derek8819

    Derek8819 Virgin Detailer

    There is no metal flake, just Alpine White.... unless you consider orange peel, then yeah, tons of it..... :)
  4. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    A nuba will give you more depth and wetness whereas a sealant like Zaino will be brighter. A nuba will also mute metallics while a sealant will make them pop. Some waxes like BF Midnight Sun and AG Hi Def have polymers in them to help reduce the muting effect. I prefer the deeper look on white by far but its all personal preference. Colli 476 looks AWESOME on solid white and its under $20.

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