Low Profile Detailer's Seat Review / C&B

Discussion in 'Tools - Machine Polishers, Pressure Washers, Detai' started by Bunky, Jan 16, 2012.

  1. Bunky

    Bunky DB Forum Supporter

    White Manufacturing DTS2 Low Profile Detailing Seat

    Manufacturer's description on amazon.com

    * Four 2-1/2 inch inline rollers
    * Comfortable high backed seat
    * Side pockets with dividers and holders
    * 3/4 inch steel tubular frame structure
    * Ground clearance: 3 inch


    Weight: 24.7 Pounds
    Height: 7.50 inches
    Length: 33 inches
    Width: 20.50 inches

    Price (Jan 2012): $199 List, Amazon.com $143.99

    I got this low profile seat for Christmas as a gift. I wanted something that would make it easier on the back than polishing while sitting on the ground (even with a padded mat) or in a mechanic stool (round adjustable seat with casters). I really got interested in this after seeing a writeup by LegacyGT (Bill) using a Crazy Creek camp seat. I got that as well but got interested in this based upon forum discussions.

    The user experience
    It shipped in a large box but had to assemble the seat to the frame. The box was crushed somewhat since there was so much air during shipment (and it was in a second box added by amazon. com!) I did not see any visible damage. The steel frame makes it quite hefty and seems very rigid especially given the casters are on the perimeter.

    I got to use it soon after I got it. It does really make working lower easier on the back. When polishing paint, you can do it two ways: splay legs in front of you or legs straight out and under the vehicles with your back against the seat. The splay method works better for general tasks and other method requires room under the vehicle and your ability to hold the polisher against the paint more with your arms.

    The other nice item is it rolls great so you can move yourself down the side without getting up. The side pockets work ok for holding a bottle of polish or a favorite beverage. The compartments are not very high
    bottles will tip. The ground clearance is about 3 inches. I know this is driven by the caster height.

    The manufacturer also makes a mostly plastic version for much less.

    Front view

    Side holders

    Side view against car

    next to car


    Side view underside

    Close up of caster / frame

    Pic of caster


    1. Works very well for what it is intended
    2. Very durable construction with padded seat with a back
    3. Nice rolling casters
    4. Side pockets to store detailing products or recreational beverages

    1. Expensive. I could see Northern Tool selling this for $60. It is clearly marked as patented so not sure if others would copy it. I did not do any price shopping or extra research.
    2. Side storage could be more useful
    3. Seat assembled needs to be detailed

    First use of Lightroom to publish and adding watermark. No pixels were harmed or altered except to resize images. I want to make the watermark less obvious.
  2. nyrep1

    nyrep1 Obsessive Detailer

    man i need that...thanks for the review
  3. mrd0t

    mrd0t Obsessive Detailer

    I could fabricate this for $20.
  4. nyrep1

    nyrep1 Obsessive Detailer

    if you do i will give you 50 for it lol
  5. v|nsan|ty

    v|nsan|ty Obsessive Detailer

    Looks like a handy tool but damn is that expensive.

  6. I would give $50 also
  7. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

  8. HeavyD

    HeavyD DB Forum Supporter

    Mrd0t got your work cut out for you!! LOL start makin somethin up man!! Im in!!!LOL
  9. SRT8Spartan

    SRT8Spartan DB Forum Supporter

    im in for 50 bucks haha :D
  10. Bunky

    Bunky DB Forum Supporter

    It was a Christmas gift so not an issue this time.
  11. mrd0t

    mrd0t Obsessive Detailer

    Right! I wouldn't want to steal there "Patented" Design. But can customize my own.

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