Lotus Elise w/ NXT 2.0

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by shadybreal, Dec 11, 2007.

  1. shadybreal

    shadybreal Two Bucket System Washer

    LOTUS Elise

    I finally got the chance to detail this ride. I’ve asked the lady numerous times, and she always tells me I like to clean my own car. However every time I see it it’s filthy. I ran a Holiday Detail Special ad in a local magazine and she broke down and call me.

    Process: Washed w/ soap via foam gun
    Clayed w/ Meg white clay
    SIP w/ orange pad via FLEX
    106 w/ white pad via FLEX
    NXT 2.0 w/ red pad via FLEX





    Afters: They not too impressive to me. My photo skills are lacking to say the least.



  2. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

    :'( everyone gets to try NXT 2.0 before me....

    What did you think? The car looks great.
  3. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Oh man that's a nice colour, DB Boss is looking at purchasing one of these next summer...I'll send him the link of this one...but dude your a tease more pictures lol. Just teasing, taking pictures takes a bit of time and I can understand...oh that and no worries about the pictures quality they look good to me :thumb:...but I'm no pro either :peace:

    oh you want to hear something funny, I was looking at the last picture and I saw a dark speck that looked like dirt or something and I was about to comment something about it but the realised it was a hair on my screeen hahahahah how funny is that hahahahahaha
  4. shadybreal

    shadybreal Two Bucket System Washer

    LOL! :woot:
  5. D&D Auto Detailing

    D&D Auto Detailing DB Forum Supporter

    How come you used 106 with a white pad?
  6. shadybreal

    shadybreal Two Bucket System Washer

    Why not? I've seen many people posting details w/ two steps (SIP w/ green or orange then 106 w/ white). So far its been working well for me too. What would you suggest?
  7. Dontsleeponit

    Dontsleeponit Jedi Nuba

    I thought white would be the optimal pad for 106?
  8. D&D Auto Detailing

    D&D Auto Detailing DB Forum Supporter

    Sorry, I was just curious thats all, didnt mean anything by it. I was wondering if there were some buffer marks from SIP/ orange that you were trying to remove with 106/ white, thats all. Looks like a pretty cool car to work on!

    For some maybe, others no. I suggest experimenting with other pads. Thats all...
  9. Dontsleeponit

    Dontsleeponit Jedi Nuba

    So would you say that 106 is pretty pad dependent with its correcting ability?

    I wanted to try the stuff on my car with very very minor correction needed, using maybe a gray pad...
  10. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    I've used 106 with orange, green, and white pads with the best combo being with the white, but all have worked and done the job. I'm not sure you would get much if any correction with a gray pad.
  11. D&D Auto Detailing

    D&D Auto Detailing DB Forum Supporter

    But its not always about the correction. Thats why Im wondering what exactly shadybreal's intentions were for using it.
  12. klumzypinoy

    klumzypinoy Nuba Guru

    Don't worry, I haven't tried it :p

    That's a sexy Lotus!
  13. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Very nice work Shady, and no worries about the pics, I could clearly see the difference! Would love to detail one of those.

    And in regars to the pads, I had a very succesful details just using a white pad and 85RD.
  14. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    By the way, how many of you picked up the $25 Meguiars package from Walmart? Lots of goodies in it, including NXT 2.0!
  15. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    thats an awesome looking car... i don't get the hype about nxt at all, to me it's a lowend wax with no real purpose. I would much rather use XMT 180.

    and i looked at the package today, and it has stuff in it i don't need at all.
  16. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

    mmm Original NXT kind of sucked....one of only a few Meg's products I don't like. M21 impressed me though. It is such a good product in terms of price, look, durability and ease of use. M21 V2 is what I am getting my hands on. I was just curious about NXT 2.0 as I think they will be similar.

    I am a M20+M21 fan boy. You really wont understand until you use them. It has been ages since I have heard anyone say a word about M20, even on the Meguiar's forum...but it is a really good product. haha Carlos, care to chime in about M20?
  17. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Right..aham..(picture a mono, robot tone)..it is a good product! It works so well how did I ever live with out it! I think all of you should go dump Menzerna down the toylet and get some M20!!

    pst..how's that sneek :joint: :joint:

    Hahaha just kidding, okay serious now. This is the stuff we used on the airplane sneek and I detailed...it shocked me how well it worked..not even Optimum was doing as good of a job as this M20...I had no clue what it was sneek was the one that brought it along and glad he did :thumb:

    Hey sneek I think I have a small amoutn left too, I should play with it some more good stuff :thumb:
  18. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

    haha you bet that is me hahaha

    oh...haha I thought you had used some of it since the plane. I must have forgoten that you ordered like 1000000000000 things since then.

    PS: that was fast. I was just about to PM you...but then I saw you were already replying.
  19. Nica

    Nica Banned

    um...I don't think I'v used it since the plaing...:thinking:...mmm..oh yes I did use it for a bit but then reverted back to my Menzerna :whistle: can't remember why though?

    yea...I'm a bit bored at the moment...mmm..not bored just don't want to do what I have to do :thumbdown:
  20. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

    I have to go back to studying. yuck. M20 is a cleaner sealant (sort of like a AIO) mind you so it doesnt' do a ton of correction

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