Looking for some samples listed below, and also looking to purchase a CR Spotless, a Tornador Gun, and a Mytee Extractor if anyone wants to sell theirs. Will trade for samples of: -Menz Powerlock -CG Virtua Bond 408 -Victoria Red Wax -Sonus Leather Conditioner -Gliptone Leather Conditioner -Blackfire All Metal Sealant -Adams New Glass Polish -Zaino Z10 I have gallons of: -Flash Brown Royal -CG Fabric Protectant -CG Bare Bones -CG Lightning Fast Stain Remover/Shampoo -CG Citrus Wash Clear -CG Leather Scent (8 oz max) -CG GreenClean (12 oz max) -Optimum No Rinse -303 Aerospace Protectant -Majestic Solutions Leather and Pastic Cleaner -Tropi-Care White Pearl And New Cans of Stoners: -Invisible Glass -Fabprotex -Trim Shine -More Shine -Speed Bead Please pm me which item you have to trade and which of mine you are interested in. Thanks. -Shawn
Just picked up some brown royal wheel cleaner if anyone was looking to trade for some of that. :headbang: