Looking for a glaze...any recommendations?

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by Twista616, Feb 14, 2008.

  1. Twista616

    Twista616 Virgin Detailer

    Hey All...

    First real post here...so excited, hahaha, okok for real...

    I haven't really used any glazes since I have been detailing. From last year, I'm finding alot of customers just want the quick fix and i know glazes have fillers to achieve a close to perfect finish. As much as I hate using them, I think I need to start, so I can save time and money. Prior I was using poli-seal then a nuba. Way too much work for what they were paying me.

    Of coarse I would exlpain to the customer that a glaze is only a temporary fix...most dont care and say do it...so I must!

    Now what glaze is easy to apply....and least time consuming. Also, via hand or UDM? Pros and Cons??

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks all!
  2. agentf1

    agentf1 Jedi Nuba

    I am not a big glaze fan but do like Chemical Guys EZ Creme Glaze a lot. It works well both by hand or ROB. I prefer by hand for glazing.
  3. ggk

    ggk Jedi Nuba

    twista i have some ez cream and megs #7 if you want to try those. ezcream is pretty good i havent used it on a car yet, but it has fixed a couple cds of mine.

    man i hate being sick!
  4. Al-53

    Al-53 Welcome to Detailing

    the glaze depends what you want to top it with....

    for sealants...Danase wet glaze or Chemical Guys EZ creme glaze.....the danase version has no cleaners in it...just a pure glaze..he had it formulated that way....both do very minor filling....

    for a wax topper the best filler is 3M Imperial hand glaze...then Meg's #7..also there is Klear kotes Red machine glaze..that fills decent....

    but you need to top a glaze...for it to last half way decent...alone they will wash out after a few washes aor rains...

    the Danase or EZ creme last pretty good since they are acrylic based....topped with a good sealant they will last longer than the oil glazes for a wax.....

    also some have said the glaze from FK1 is not bad..I have not used them...but used the others....

    Also I forgot..the glaze from Menzerna is not bad also...I have topped it with both a sealant and a wax and it lasted very good...

    I had to edit this as I forgot that alot that have used the newer Meg's NXT V2.0 say it fills quit a bit..so that may be a option also...and Meg's claims that it will work over any of their glazes also....

  5. LanceM

    LanceM DB Forum Supporter

    ex creme is good. I need to use it more to get a better feel for it. I still have some menzerna glaze i havent used.
  6. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    another vote for ez creme.... t seems to have a large following on this forum..
  7. richy

    richy Guest

    I have used both RMG and Menz...RMG gets a slight nod..both are good..I'm gonna try Danese's next.
  8. jshillin

    jshillin Birth of a Detailer

    I'd go with DWG, you can top is with anything and it looks great!
  9. Twista616

    Twista616 Virgin Detailer

    Thanks for all the input guys...looks like DWG and/or EZ creme...the new NXT has alot of filling capabilies...so thats another option...oh dear...i know I will end up buying all of them...haha!
  10. ggk

    ggk Jedi Nuba

    ill let you try some ez cream.
  11. npb

    npb Virgin Detailer

    differences between ez creme and wet mirror finish?
  12. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    How about Menzerna Finishing Glaze PO 115C
  13. jsatek

    jsatek Birth of a Detailer

    I have 115C but am yet to use it. Any experience?
  14. Al-53

    Al-53 Welcome to Detailing

    I like the Menz glaze...it has a suttle look to it..not real glossy like ez creme...but a deeper look wetter look also......and it seems to add a little darkness to the paint also...

    for a wax finish I just wax over it ..but when I do a sealant I spray AW over it to sorta lock it in....then add a sealant over it a few hours after...seems to work fine that way....

    I like RMG also..it has a nice look to it and great for a wax finished topper..i had problems adding a sealant with it though..it streaked and smeared...its pretty oily as seen when it seperates...

  15. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    EZ Creme is perfect, you don't need to look anywere else!
  16. Pats300zx

    Pats300zx Official DB Moderator

    I found RMG to be much easier to work with than 115C.
  17. Al-53

    Al-53 Welcome to Detailing

  18. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    I like EZ Creme and RMG. I used RMG yesterday and topped it with Jetseal and had no problems but that is the first time I had ever used a sealant over it. Like Al said I have always topped RMG with a wax before trying it with JetSeal. Look didn't knock me out with Jetseal so I'll just stick to RMG with wax and EZ Creme with Sealants. And Al I'm going to have to try the AW trick for locking in the glaze, man you have a bucket full of tricks with AW! :woot:

    If I'm not concerned with any type of filling and just want to take the shine up a few notches I like using WMF. It will really magnify the shine on a freshly polished dark car!!!
  19. Al-53

    Al-53 Welcome to Detailing

    Wolfie....some sealants streaked..like PB's EX-P and UPP and also Wolfgang.....and also they had a short lived cycle on the paint..a few weeks at the most..and then they seemed gone...

  20. FuelTuner

    FuelTuner Birth of a Detailer

    I am starting to really like NXT 2.0 for a quick wax/glaze. It fills sctaches like no other and lasts a long time as well.. make sure that you let is sit for at least 15-20 min before wipe off.

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