I have been using the same super plush MF towels I got from detailersdomain over a year ago. over the last two washes they finally started linting on me like I see some of you describing on here. is there any way to counter this issue? next time I wash them should I try not using any MF detergent (chemical guys)? thanks godoman
no, I tumble dry them forever and do not let them hang out to dry for fear of picking up dirt in the air. I am suspecting that I may have used too much of the MF cleaner this past time. godoman
I dry them on no heat for like 60 minutes or until dry..... I have some minor linting, that is expected though.
Do not overload washer or dryer; it causes your towels’ fibres to weaken and lint The mechanical agitation of a tumble dryer may cause the fibres to weaken and cause them to break or lint. A dryer ball (Life Miracle® Dryer System™) seem to help as they fluff up the fibres and lessen the static that is the main cause of Microfibers trapping lint. Lint may also be trapped in the machine’s lint screen and its being transferred o the towel. Given the above, over time towels will lint