for those that have used it, or the entire langka kit, how well does the blob eliminator work? im thinking about trying it out as i have some large chips id like to attend to. i am used to touching up and then wetsanding the blobs down. i have been doing it this way for years with great results, but if it works as well as advertised, the blob eliminator seems to be much easier and quicker than wetsanding. any input is appreciated!
whats your experience with the blob eliminator pat? i have a good amount of chips to work on and a really deep scratch in my rear bumper i need to fix so im probably going to end up just buying a whole bottle anyways. i think ill need it lol. i appreciate it though! lets get together sometime soon, school starts in about a month so ill be super busy then.
I works pretty well. I had the best result letting the paint dry for about a day, then using the blog eliminator. Someone dinged my door pretty good. While it didnt completely fill the chip it made it much less noticeable. I tried doing several layers but it wont fill flat. My point is it works to make chips scratches less noticeable, but its not a miracle cure for them.
cool thats what i was hoping to hear. its bettter than paying to have my hood, passenger door and rear bumper resprayed lol
For sure, and much cheaper! You cant seen most of the chips and ding I repaired unless you are really looking. I can see them, but I really doubt many others can! I can spot them from about 2-3feet away.