LanceM Detailed: 2007 Black Mustang

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by LanceM, Mar 10, 2008.

  1. LanceM

    LanceM DB Forum Supporter

    This was a bear.

    Mothers Clay
    SIP orange and yellow a few times
    FP Blue
    Lusso Oro creme
    Lusso Oro x2

    I really liked the Lusso. Gave a nice reflection along with good wetness. Owner is a buddy of mine. Originally had a ton of swirls. He lives in an area with hard water. WATER MARKS were everyuwhere. I think I took out about 90% of them. I was really upset that I couldnt get rid of all the swirls. I tried to give him back the money he gave me for the job (just material costs) but he refused as I put alot of time into it. Maybe, Im just used to soft honda clear? I dont know but this one really had me down. What are you guys using for hard clears? I was using the flex at 6 and backing off at 4 or 3 on final passes. Blah. Should I just suck it up and get a rotary?













    Sorry I had something on my lens


  2. LanceM

    LanceM DB Forum Supporter

    Talked to the owner and he says he really likes Lusso. He was a zaino die hard.
  3. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    That is some really nice work, I don't see any swirls in the paint!
  4. LanceM

    LanceM DB Forum Supporter

    thanks. There were some slight swirls left on the hood. I went over that area a few times and it wouldnt come out.

    I was pleased with the out come. I guess I was just expecting to get everything out.
  5. zoomzoom mazda5

    zoomzoom mazda5 Wax on..Wax off

    Lance it looks great from your shots, there is some times that you can't get 100% swirl free . Try PM Cooter and ask him because he has a black stang also and could let you how his is looking (hard to remove or easy for him and his trick)and the other way would be using a rotary. It all depends on how deep the swirls and scratches are too, hope this helps you out.....Angelo
  6. joep

    joep Welcome to Detailing

    lance the paint looks good its nice and wet with plenty of depth :thumb:
  7. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    maybe if you used some powergloss and a wool pad, it's not all in the machine!!

    NTL, car looks fantastic, you should be pround
  8. LanceM

    LanceM DB Forum Supporter

    thanks for the complements guys. I think I'm going to try and some power gloss and see how that goes next time.

    Wool pad with the flex?
  9. O4COBRA

    O4COBRA Birth of a Detailer

    Nice!! How did SIP work on the Ford black? My Mom has the same car and wondered how SIP worked on it.

    Thanks in advance!!
  10. LanceM

    LanceM DB Forum Supporter

    sip took out a good bit of the swirls. I went over some areas again to remove as much as possible. But, a small amount remained. The clear was harder than I though.

    However, the black with lusso on it looked great
  11. LanceM

    LanceM DB Forum Supporter

    alright took you guys advice. I ordered some power gloss from phil along with some other things.

    I'm not settling. lol
  12. O4COBRA

    O4COBRA Birth of a Detailer

    Haha, peer pressure and swirls got to you. And Phil is the winner. Post up after you use the PG. Curious how much better it would work on these swirls!!
  13. LanceM

    LanceM DB Forum Supporter

    no prob. I'm determined to get these swirls out
  14. O4COBRA

    O4COBRA Birth of a Detailer

    Haha. Black makes a man do strange things!!
  15. Tonya

    Tonya Welcome to Detailing

    Great job! Congrats on the happy customer! :thumb:
  16. klumzypinoy

    klumzypinoy Nuba Guru

    looks great :D
  17. DieselMDX

    DieselMDX Obsessive Detailer

    u r using a flex right?
  18. LanceM

    LanceM DB Forum Supporter

    yes sir

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