Lake Country White Pad??

Discussion in 'Tools - Machine Polishers, Pressure Washers, Detai' started by galaxy, Jul 8, 2010.

  1. galaxy

    galaxy Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    When or for what do you guys use the white LC pad for? Not new to pads or polishing but just recently (as in one detail job ago) started trying LC pads. I have a good assortment (a few of each from orange to blue). The white pad is by far the most dense. I would think a pad that dense would be good for a LSP, like a carnuba wax or something, but it's listed as a polishing pad just above the orange in aggressiveness.

    Just curious what you guys use this pad for or what you may think it's ideal for?? I ended up using the orange pad for the one polishing job I did thus far as it seemed to accomplish easier what I was trying to do, but now wondering what I may use the white one for in the future.

    FWIW, I didn't find the orange one too aggressive at all, but that may mostly be in part to a not-very-aggressive polish...but then half the battle is finding what works best for you.

    Thanks for any tips on the white pads guys!!
  2. maximus20895

    maximus20895 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    In order of cut the colors are:

    Yellow, Orange, White, Black, Blue, Red.

    The white would be for taking out swirls when the orange or yellow pad is not needed. You could also use a finer polish after a heavy cut compound with the white pad as well.

    For example, 105 with orange, 205 with white , 85RD with Black and PowerLock with Blue or Red.

    Yellow is rarely used and most of the time it is for heavy oxidation.
  3. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    white pad can ne for various things. i use it mainly with lighter finishing polishes but your product and pad combo will vary from car to car as paints are different.

    i used yesterday a white lc pad with meguiars ultimate compound and it finished up lsp ready.

    white pad is also.good for 1 steppers using a aio like kaio and optimum poli-seal
  4. maximus20895

    maximus20895 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    ^that too
  5. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    heck i'm sure you can even use M105 on a white pad . . . . . i guess that is why sometimes people get confused with LC pads as they have so many dang colors.
  6. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    Foam Pad Dependency

    All abrasive polishes are; ‘foam pad and applied pressure dependant’ as far as their paint correction abilities are concerned. If we consider the Lake County (LC) White foam (50 PPI) polishing pad as the baseline; any polish used will derive help from the abrasive abilities of the foam. Then consider the LC Blue (70 PPI) finishing pad has no abrasive ability and will contribute nothing to the cutting capability of a polish.

    What is derived from this is that a polishes abrasive ability can be ‘fine tuned’ by using different combinations (abrasiveness) of polish and foam (the same thing is true of wool pads) and of course differing the amount of downward pressure (10-15 Lbs is the usual range) applied will also have an effect on the abrasives capability
    Different pad / product combinations (least abrasive pad / polish first)

    a) Base pad / product (least abrasive pad / product) if this combination does not provide the desired results, increase the aggressiveness of the technique or product selection.
    b) Step-up 1 - using the same pad with a more abrasive product
    c) Step-up II – use a less abrasive pad and the same product as used in step-up I
    d) Step-up III- using the same pad with a more abrasive product

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