Hey all, I just recieved my PC 7424 in the mail and had a few quick questions: First off, I forgot to order a mounting/back plate to use with my LC pads, and was wondering where would be the best place to buy it (OTC). Second question, it says right on the PC 7424, only use 5inch pads - does this matter? (The pads I have are 6.5" LC Pads.) And lastly, it came with a white, 5inch pad with the mounting/back plate embedded - does this have the same usage as the white LC one? Excuse the newb questions:doh:, and thank you in advance for the help!
I don't believe they are available OTC. I have them in stock as well as the Gloss it version. I've never used the pad that comes with the machine. I just started with the bp and pads I was used to. I believe you are supposed to switch to a different weight to use the 6.5" pads.
PM Phil@Detailer's Domain and ask him for the orbital to rotary adapter, a 5" backing plate, and some 5.5" Uber pads...you're set. You have to message him though because the adapter isn't on his site...
I've always heard bad things about the stock pad with the PC. I wouldnt use that thing unless it was on some old school bus or something.
+1 although it makes a fairly good door stop These machines (both the 7424 and the 7336) were originally designed as sander / polishers and the counter weight was designed to balance the centrifugal force of a single sheer of sandpaper. For all intents and purposes, IMO, the counter weights have no real relevance when using a foam pad and its backing plate