JLs Detailing: Toyota Sequoia

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by JLs Detailing, Jul 11, 2008.

  1. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    Well things have been super busy lately and I am finally getting around to posting some pics. This was a referral from another client. The car had just returned from a cross country jaunt for their vacation and you could tell it. Man white doesn't look that bad until you start to clean it. This thing went from off white to WHITE which made the owner very happy. Well here's what I did:

    Tires/Wheel/Wells: Wheels got Megs Wheel Brightner since they were quite neglected. I had to use a vast assortment of brushes to get the wheels looking like I wanted. I used the EZ Detail, Swissvax wheel, Black Magic wheel (bent at 90 degrees for behind the spokes), and a lugnut brush. The tires got Majestic Solutions Super Green Stuff with a black Shmitt and the wells got CGs Grime Reaper with a black Shmitt. This regimen has yet to let me down regardless how bad the wheels were and I was pleased to see that it was up to the challenge today as well. The tires were treated to a base coat of Megs Hyper Dressing @ 1:1 and then topped with CGs Natural Look. Both dressings were applied with their own dedicated CGs Tire Applicators. The wheels were dressed with CGs Bare Bones.

    Engine: Same ol trusty method here, rinse, spray with MS SGS, agitate, rinse, dry with a leaf blower, and dress with Stoners Trim Shine.

    Wash: This thing had some road grime on it and needed to have the protection that may be left (if there was any) stripped clean, so I used the foam cannon and the Karcher PW with 2 oz. of CGs Citrus Wash and Clear and 1 oz of CGs Strong Wash. I do give a huge :thumb: to Gemini13 for the hook up on the Strong Wash. This stuff is amazing and can do some cleaning. I proceeded to wash with a boar's hair brush and a rinse bucket with grit guard and Megs Gold Class. I pre-treated the lower panels with the CGs Bug and Tar Strong Wash in a Solo 418 sprayer diluted at 3:1. The bugs (and there was a gaggle of them) got the same treatment and a MS's Bug Sponge. All of this was done with the foam cannon and PW attached to the CR Spotless system. As a side note to the CR, which is one of the best investments I have ever made, I have done 38 cars so far and my TDS meter is reading 007 (Bond, James Bond)!

    Clay: I used Pinnacle Clay and DP 4n1 clay Lube in a Solo 418 sprayer. After claying I re-rinsed with the CR and let Mother Nature dry the car while I shampooed and extracted the floor mats.

    Interior: Cleaned and protected the interior with Optimum Interior Protectant Plus. I didn't like the Optimum the first few times I used it because I couldn't get it to come out of the sprayer except in a straight stream. I switched to a high volume sprayer though and the problem was aleviated. I'm really glad I didn't abandon the stuff either because it does a tremendous job. Interior was vacuumed with a shop vac and as I said the floor mats were cleaned with Folex and extracted. I sprayed a couple of shots of DG Odor Absorber in the vents and in the car. I really like this product too as it leaves a nice fresh clean smell behind, thanks FMINUS!

    Leather: The leather was looking pretty dingy so I decided to break out the big dog, LeatherMaster Strong. I dilute it 1:1 and it seems to work best for me. Also thanks to Jason at Deep Gloss for pointing out the obvious to my ignorant self. I had been complaining that I just could not get the LM to foam up and he said "Hey Stupid just use the foamer spray head in it" :graduation:. Well he didn't exactly say it like that but I bet thats what he was thinking, LOL! I sprayed the leather with the LM and agitated the foam with a Megs Interior brush and voila they were very clean looking! I then conditioned the leather with CGs Leather Conditioner.

    Glass: Outside glass got DG 501 via the Metabo while I was polishing/cleaning the paint. Inside glass got CGs Glass Cleaner via a glass MF and dried with an eShine Dehydrator.

    Paint: Ok now was time for my to to for making white whiter than white combo. First up was DG 501. I applied via the Metabo and a 3M black/gray waffle finishing pad on the 3M bp. These are the pads I got off Ebay and they performed extremely well. I am completely happy with this purchase as I got 10 of them. I buffed the DG 501 off with the new CGs 530 MF (again thanks FMINUS). These MFs are now my favorites even unseating the previous long time fave CGs black and yellow MF (did you hear that Piet???). These MFs are so plush and work on everything from polish removal to QDs. Awesome MF! After buffing off the 501 I did a wipedown with DG 921 Fast Clean and Shine and a CGs 530 MF. I decided to include this in my DG regimen after using Z6 in my Zaino regimen and having success with it. It seems to make the surface super slick for the application of LSP.

    LSP: I was on the DG kick of course so next up was DG 601 bonding agent. I applied with a CGs Stage 3 Applicator. This applicator (which looks like the German Applicators) is great for applying sealants or waxes thinly. Very easy to use. After the 601 application I let it dry a bit and then applied DG 105 via a CGs Stage 3 Applicator. I then buffed it off with a CGs 530 MF. Right before delivery I did a DG Aquawax wipedown to really amp up the WOW factor. I applied it with an eshine Cookie Monster.

    Well the owner was pleased with the results. In fact she was so pleased that she said "Well here very soon I want you to do this one for me." She took me into the garage where there sat a silver Porsche Boxter! Can't wait to do that one! Well here are the pics:

    Before and Afters:


    Random Shots:

  2. Smith2287

    Smith2287 Welcome to Detailing

    Wow great work as always bud the car looks amazing in the afters. I can't believe you got 38 uses of your filters and there still fine. Mine were shot after just about 5 full washes and 3 simple rinse only. My water in NJ must be extremely bad!!!! Again great work like always and I love the write up!!!!

  3. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    Awesome work. The wheels look really nice, great turn around.
  4. Cooter

    Cooter Guest

    Great work and nice write up JL!!!!! Looks great. Cant wait to see the Porsche detail!!
  5. MadOzodi

    MadOzodi Nuba Guru

    Wooooeee, I need to bookmark this baby! My dad's aging '98 Infinity QX4 is the exact same color scheme. If I can get his car to look half as good as you made that Sequoia look, I'll be happy.


    PS No fair that you've been able to do 38 cars with your DIC-20!!!

    PPS When the *bleep* is your across the street neighbor gonna get rid of that dumpster? We're goin on at LEAST 6 months with that thing being there! :p:
  6. Gemini13

    Gemini13 Obsessive Detailer

    Strong Wash FTW!!! :D

    Good Job! :thumb:
  7. FuelTuner

    FuelTuner Birth of a Detailer

    That thing is a tank!! Good Job! Im sure that it took some time All that leather...... :(
  8. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    My man Corey, thanks for the kind words! I'm very lucky in that my water only reads about 100 ppm on a TDS meter right out of the tap.

    Thanks dd! I was really pleased with how well the wheels came out too.

    Dude I can't wait for the call to do that one either. Thanks!

    Hey I've seen you skills you can easily make the QX4 look that good I'm sure. Oh and feeling real good about my DIC-20 purchase with as long as the resins have held out.

    Oh and you don't know the half of it on the house. It burned down in the very early hours of July 4th, 2007! It probably took at least 6 months for the insurance to settle up with the family and they lost EVERYTHING in that fire. They sold the house as is and a contractor is rebuilding it. New ordinaces in my town require a dumpster until the house is completed. I'll be so glad when its finished but a complete rebuild takes a while.

    Thanks bro you really had the hook up on that one didn't you! Oh and thanks to you I now have a gallon of it on the way!

    Yeah it took a little while but end result was worth it. I was really pleased with how the leather came out too.
  9. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Sweet turn around there JL :worship2:

    These vehicles are quite large, and yes treating the leather must have taken quite a bit of time but you sure did a great job on this vehicle.

    Every aspect of it looks great, engine bay, rims, interior ect..ect..thank you for sharing :peace:

    Oh and yea the resins performing the way they have that's just wicked :wicked: Wish mine did that :shakehead:
  10. Smith2287

    Smith2287 Welcome to Detailing

    Me too, mine stayed pretty low until one wash it just shot up from 3 to 26 ppm. I still use it but just don't let it air dry in direct sun.
  11. DLR Detailing

    DLR Detailing Jedi Nuba

    Like I have said before, I really like seeing white done right.
    You definitely gave the Toyota some much needed TLC, great work! :applause:
    Nice write-up and pictures! :thumb:
    Thanks for sharing.
  12. Charlies02GLS

    Charlies02GLS Jedi Nuba

    Very nice results
  13. FMINUS

    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

    Thats a big job!!! always the best JL! whers UR wifebeater? :confused:
  14. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    DAMN Wolf, that's INCREDIBLY! The before and afters are fantastic!
  15. MadOzodi

    MadOzodi Nuba Guru

    The 2nd to last time I used mine, the readings were pushing the upper teens. I played around with the flow adjuster on my nozzle and got it to stick at 18ppm. After that it was reading 50 and no amount of flow adjustment could get it below 48. I had to break out the waffle weaves and I couldn't remember where I'd put them.
  16. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    Thanks Nica! Yeah I am uber psyched at the way the resins are performing for me!

    Thanks Dave and nothing makes white look whiter than the DG 501/601/105 combo. A big thanks to Al-53 for turning me on to that combo!:thumb:

    Thanks :headbang:

    Thanks bro! Man everytime I go to the store to get the wifebeaters I ask for the line inspired by FMINUS and they are sold out! When is Paul at CGs going to start selling them?

    Thanks Mate!
  17. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    Great job JL.
  18. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    very well done!!!
  19. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    Very nice work bud! The car looks amazing now, love the white!! Engine, paint, wheels and interior all looks fantastic!! :D
  20. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    Another solid job from JL's Detailing.... Hey I am glad the foaming sprayer worked for you but I found an even better way to use the Leather Master. A+ work

    They have foaming pump sprayers I found one filled with hand soap at the grocery store. Well I throroughly cleaned it and now use that for my leather master strong.. works even better than the foaming sprayer I was using.

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