Is this even repairable without a repaint?

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by StoleUrGF, Feb 8, 2017.

  1. StoleUrGF

    StoleUrGF New Member

    Ugh... what did I get myself into?
    I've been detailing professionally for 9 years and I'm always getting customers who want their car detailed before they sell it.
    Inevitably I'll find one I'm interested in buying and I'll score a great deal.
    I bought this 2001 Sport Trac but the paint was atrocious.
    I've clayed, cut and polished this thing to where it's a perfect 6-footer but any closer and you'll see the white spots in the paint (click the link below - it's not letting me direct post imgur photos).
    Those spots aren't chips - they're perfectly flush with the finish - I think they're just effed up clear coat
    I think wet sanding is my next step but wanted to get some input and see if there's any products anyone can recommend for correction?
  2. Legacy99

    Legacy99 Wax on..Wax off

    Looks like a repaint is in order.
  3. StoleUrGF

    StoleUrGF New Member

    Okay, so - just because I don't like to leave folks hanging:
    I'm selling this truck anyway so I was just using this truck to experiment with different techniques that I've been too afraid to try on say Mr. Golf Course Owner's Maserati.
    I scratched one of the white spots with my fingernail and the "paint" just disintegrated down to bare metal.
    So yeah, definitely would call for a full repaint but I'm going to try hand sanding the worst spots with 120 grit on the end of a pencil eraser, filling them in with glazing putty, and painting over them with touch up paint - if anything there's about 40 spots for me to practice my touch up painting skills. Will post before and after pics to show off my $10 paint job :p

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