Water based paints Paint is a simple mixture of ingredients including pigments, a binder and diluents, or thinner (in a water-based paint it is water; in a solvent-based paint, it is petroleum solvent)Automotive paints utilizing modern paint technology using water-based high solid/low solvent urethane that for environmental reasons (low volatile organic compounds (VOC)) produce a much softer and more porous finish; its molecules are not tightly linked together as t has a chain-link type structure, which makes it more porous than acrylic or oil based high solvent content paint systems. For this reason you should be cautious as to what chemicals are allowed to come into contact with the paint surface Water-based automotive paint is classified as a semi-permeable membrane that has tensile strength and elongation (elasticity) to enable it to move along with the metal as it expands /contracts due to environmental temperature fluctuations They are essentially low solids paints (up to 60% solvent), but they are legal because de-ionized water is used as the solvent (water is the most common solvent) as opposed to volatile organic compounds (VOC). In addition to the low solids aspect, waterborne paints have many other properties that help improve the performance and appearance. Using permanent pigmentations and colorants specifically designed for automotive applications (containing automotive-grade binders). Albeit a non-toxic (less than 0.01-percent VOC) water-based paint, there are no compatibility issues with major-brand urethane and polyurethane clear coats. The Removal of Silicone - polishing is a mechanical process; silicon is a product that has been designed not to be removed by mechanical abrasion. When using Menzerna, to polish surfaces which have been previously treated with a silicone-based product, a smear may result. It is important to understand why this occurs. •Cause - There are lots of silicon oils on the market. The properties that make silicon so popular with car detailers, and some auto manufacturers, also make it a very difficult product for the polisher to remove. During polishing, the silicon mixes with the excess paint that is being removed from the surface to form a smear. •Can you remove silicon from a clear coat completely? [It is impossible to remove silicon from a painted surface without using a chemical process so aggressive that it dissolves the paint. Wax and grease removers will chemically remove one layer of silicon off at a time but are unable to completely remove all the silicon]. Tests by Dr Michael Hauber at Menzerna using a spectroscope showed the layers become thinner but the silicon remains. Removing silicon completely can take place over time and involves a lengthy process of oxygen, chemicals, time and sunlight]. Preparation- If the car has been treated with silicon, use a wax and grease remover to remove as much of the silicon as possible before polishing. You will not be able to remove it all but it helps. Polishing is a mechanical process. When a silicon-free polish works on the surface of paint it uses aluminium oxide spheres, suspended in water and hydrocarbons and a mechanical process to abrade the surface of the paint down to the level of the bottom of the scratch. Silicon cannot be removed this way. Silicon is removed by a chemical means and is designed to resist being removed by mechanical means. Instead the silicon mixes with the blend of paint dust and polish powder and it creates a smear on the paint. We should differentiate between swirl marks in the silicon layer and swirl marks in the paint underneath. Some polishes may appear to remove the swirl marks in the paint but are really only working on the layer of silicon. So the swirl marks in the paint itself remain unaffected by the polishing and reappear after a few weeks, as the silicon is being removed by time. A mild Chemical process - use Hi-Temp's Prep Wash to prepare a paint surface for polishing, compounding, wax and / or polymer sealant application (especially if changing from a wax to a polymer product) this is a water-based paint cleaner designed to remove all traces of silicone, oil, and buffing residue from any exterior paint surface, residue from polishing products accumulate in crevices, around handles, wiper arms, on trim, luggage racks, and aerodynamics. Hi-Temp's Prep Wash flows into these hard-to-reach areas and dissolves the build-up. Prep Wash can be used to cleanse the finish before painting, and you can use it after buffing or levelling applications. It prepares the surface for the proper bonding of waxes, glazes and paint sealants. If this is not done properly, applied products may not bond, which will cause heavy streaking. It may be diluted, but is always used sparingly at any strength. Mist a cloth or sponge and wipe over the surface. Wipe dry with a clean towel. Hi-Temp's Prep Wash - Top of the Line Auto Detailing Supplies. Alternative product – DuPont's PrepSol or Acrysol Silicone Remover