so tonight i decidde to give my RB OE a try on my Jet Black BMW 325. Yes, the soft BMW jet black from hell. i washed with CG CWC and polished with 106FF and 85RD to get out some light wash marring, then Dodo Lime Prime lite, and then RB OE by hand. as i was about halfway done waxing the car, i managed to drop my pot of RB OE (Ben, if you read this i need a new pot!) i left the wax on for an hour to cure, and wiped it off. after i wiped it off i noticed i left a whole bunch of straight line scratches from my hands... :thud: this is my 3rd attempt at hand waxing... i see a lot of you guys like nica and others applying by hand... how do you manage to not introduce more scratches?!?!
I wish I had a suggestion, but this is stuff you're probably already doing. Obviously start with very clean hands, no rings, no watches, no jewelry. I apply under halogen lights, to make sure I've not missed any spots. When this gets difficult, I "start" more wax, soften it up in the palm of my left hand thoroughly, rub my two hands together, and start again. I'm just following Ben's instructions, basically. To buff RBOE off, I use more towels than I would with other waxes I've used. I'll get out a few of my "good" towels first, and go over the whole car, one or two passes. Towel folded into quarters, turned often and replaced. Three towels for a Honda S2000. This doesn't get it all buffed (by my own choice). I then get out one of Phil's super plush towels, and a bottle of QD (currently using Meg's 135), and remove whatever is remaining. When I buff this coat off tomorrow, I'll have a close look and inspect for any new scratches. I've not yet experienced this problem. I assume you're doing this in your garage - maybe it's really dusty in there? Sorry to hear you dropped your container.
Maybe using hand lotion/moisturizer would help immensely? iono, I applied Zymol by hand on a JB BMW hood as well and did not see any marring left behind by my hand. I tend to lightly glide my hands over the paint when working on JB. Sure I may need more product but it seems to lower the risk. Of course, OE has some grittyness in it compared to Zymol so maybe the carnauba powder scratched the paint? That could also be a valid answer to your problem...
I'm sure how rough your hands are has somethign to do with it..but to be honest as much as I love applying wax by hand on some vehicles with extremely soft clear coat I use the foam applicator method. I used to think that hand application was easy and you know you slap some wax on your hands you rub your hands together to melt the wax and away you go. I've had my share of bad experiances, specially with soft clear coat...but I still prefer to apply wax by hand. To be hoenst it's quite hard to explain how to apply wax...well at least to me it is...I honestly don't know how I do it, I just do it..mmm..maybe I should just do a video to show how I apply wax..that would be better :idea:
I have done my jet black Z4 by hand with Vics Concours Red and unless I'm not seeing things properly, I don't believe I'm adding any marring. Yes the jet black paint is a real pain to keep up. Is it possible that dust has blown/settled on your car between the cleaning steps and the waxing step? G
My hands are pretty soft as I am a Software engineer and do not really work with my hands and I have NEVER been able to apply wax by hand without leaving scratches. I just use an applicator now and have not had a problem since. I think the whole hand application is a bunch of BS but that is just "my" opinion, and you know what they say about opinions.
Well, I took off a hand-applied layer of RBOE this afternoon. There's no marring evident. Those of you worried that rough skin on your hands could be to blame...couldn't you use the "back of a CD-R test" that we sometimes use for microfiber?
I think like any technique, or product for that matter, you have to find what works for you. Personally I like hand application and haven't noticed marring with any of the waxes I've tried it with, but I know lots of people don't like it and some have experienced marring. I did read somewhere, either on here or DW, that someone suggested wearing latex gloves while you're hand applying, don't know if thats worth a go. :shrug: The grainyness in RBOE is crystals of RBOE that have formed during cooling rather than raw carnauba powder, they are more present in the centre of the wax where it doesn't cool so quick. These crystals are pretty soft compared to carnauba on it's own and breakdown easily with a little friction or heat. I personally have never experienced marring from this even on very soft Japanese motorcycle paint which will marr even if you look at it the wrong way. Oh and Mr Scheer your new pot is en-route to you.