how you guys do it?

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by bimmer nation, Feb 19, 2009.

  1. bimmer nation

    bimmer nation Birth of a Detailer

    hey guys i have always wondered how people polish. Do you guys do like evr step on one panel at a time? Or do you guys do like the whoile car with say SIP then Do the whole car again with 106ff Then again with po85?? Jus curious so lets here your guys ways of polishing
  2. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    whole car for each step
  3. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    One complete step at a time.
  4. SSTG

    SSTG DB Forum Supporter

    I agree, one step/whole car at a time.
  5. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    whole car with one polish. then next step on whole car.
  6. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    What they said.
  7. Dannyk

    Dannyk Jedi Nuba

    Varies for me. I just base my process on what's determined by the condition of the vehicle i'm working on.
  8. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    What he said...:thumb:
  9. ampbmw

    ampbmw DB Forum Supporter

    I assess each panel individually since each panels deserves individual assessment.
  10. PhoTuGo

    PhoTuGo Jedi Nuba

    That what she said -_- ok that doesnt work LOL

    One step step at a time!
  11. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    One step at a time for me as well.
  12. SpecC

    SpecC Wax on..Wax off

    sometimes i really wonder where i muster up the motivation to do it 3 times since it takes me 3+ hours for each step. usually 4-5 for the finishing one!

    after PO85Rd though, the car looks amazing to say the least
  13. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    As you usually have to use different grades of polish / foam for different scratches on individual panels - one step at a time
  14. Nica

    Nica Banned

    :nod: I agree one step at a time, but it's also important to have appropriate lighting to inspect your work as you proceed with the polishing. What I'm saying is just because SIP worked on one panel it may not be good enough to work on say a door panel. So as you polish the vehicle inspect your work thoroughly.

    But yes I do one step at a time.
  15. Harleyguy

    Harleyguy Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I usually do what AspaultRocket tells me too do LOL
  16. SSTG

    SSTG DB Forum Supporter

    So when you gonna start telling him what to do Adam? It's never to late to teach an old dog new tricks.:giggle:

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