I need to know this before tomarrow because I have a customer lined up who loves to wax his car and its got alot of coats....but needs to be stripped so I DON"T WASTE TIME trying to eliminate it by polishing it out. I want to get on correcting on the first pass with SIP. here are my thoughts and products you guys tell me what to put together: P21S Total Auto Wash pre-soak? will that do it? is it safe? how long do I let it soak? spray it on with my foam cannon? raw? diluted? other products? I don't want to use anything like dish soap because it not only strips wax but also it strips oils from your clearcoat that it needs. Also, I'd prefer I just get it done pre-wash style. As I see it, it's very streamlined into the process already (i.e. I'm not adding any time consuming steps) thanks in advance!
I would think that you'd be claying the car, so that will do it most likely. When I want to strip all the LSPs I use P21S total auto wash, about 3 oz, plus my normal 2 oz of soap in the foam cannon. Always works, never ANYTHING left behind. IMO, all that "oils in the clearcoat" stuff is BS.
yes but in my experience when I leave it up to SIP to strip it...the correction is weaker trying to plow through all that wax first....and I always have to go a second pass to get all the marring. (but when I do a paint prep spray down (griots product) and strip the wax then the correction is dead on the first time. (same car tested this theory on it was panel next to panel) yeah but the fine grade clay I use wont strip wax I'll try that mix! yes but thats an extra step i dont wanna waste my time with...I already have to pre-soak the car in foam....why not strip the wax then and streamline the process?
Calgary is right about the paint cleaner. It is probably the best option, but like you said another step, which I can understand you wanting to avoid. If I wasnt going to clay, I would definitely use the plaint cleaner (I like P21s). But between the strong wash like I recommended, and the claying, you should get it all. P21S paint cleaner leaves an excellent surface to apply your LSP, its great stuff.
Do you know what that dilution rate is? I'd like to know. I've seen it posted but can't seem to find it.
Personally, if I want to strip the shite of a car, I mix one ounce of Citrus Wash 'n Gloss with one ounce Poorboys Bug Squash in my $10 foamer and spray the vehicle down with it, let it sit for 5 minutes and it's all GONE!!! Works a charm.