How long do you keep microfiber cloths

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by Vegasboricua702, Mar 6, 2010.

  1. Vegasboricua702

    Vegasboricua702 Virgin Detailer

    Sorry if this has been brought up before, but how often do you guys replace your microfiber cloths? Whats the average amount of uses do you get out it?
  2. Twisted007

    Twisted007 Banned

    i keep them till they fall apart always find uses for them.
  3. Cooter

    Cooter Guest

    Take care of them and they should last you a long long time. Most of the time if you dont like how they're working, demote them to everything but paint. You can soak them in APC for a while or even boil them.
  4. Twisted007

    Twisted007 Banned

    you must be bored cooter you cook your mf i hope you don't eat them lol. j/k
  5. ndrom

    ndrom Two Bucket System Washer

    If you buy good towels and take care of them they will probably last forever. I have a bunch of 500-600g/sq m bound edge towels that will probably be used for ever. Just keep them clean, away from cotton, bleach, fabric softeners, and high heat.

    I usually slowly demote lower quality towels- from paint, to interior, to wheels, to engine bay, and they eventually end up in the house for various things. After all that they turn to shop rags for greasy stuff.

    Even then, they usually don't break down, it's usually because I did something that renders them unusable for certain things. I once had a dried left get in a batch of clean towels, and it was near impossible to get the pieces out, so i steppepd them down.
  6. christian900se

    christian900se Obsessive Detailer

    I still have my original green MF detailer's towels from AG that are over 4 years old now and they still feel like they can be used (I haven't done so in a while though). The only towels that I don't use on paint are Costco MFs but even those have lasted me a couple years and now work on the interior.

    I have a sneaking suspicion that my parents are stealing some of my MF for housework, they really are jacks of all trades.
  7. ndrom

    ndrom Two Bucket System Washer

    I used to have a similar problem, so I down graded a bunch of my microfiber for my mom to use. II also gave me an excuse to buy more high quality MF.

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