Honda CRV interior

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by Nica, Jul 4, 2009.

  1. Nica

    Nica Banned

    This vehicle belongs to a coworker, he wanted the interior done...well looks like there was a miss understanding, I've detailed one of his vehicles before and I thought I heard him say that he wanted the same thing as last time, last time it was an interior only. When he picked up the vehicle he asked if I did the exterior, I told him no just the interior well like I said just a little miss understanding, I'm sure I'll see this vehicle again :gidiup:. Here is the vehicle upon arrival:







    Like al interiors they begin with a thorough vacuum:

    Wile vacuuming the vehicle, I filled the steamer with RO water and plugged it in to warm up:

    Once I was done with the vacuuming it’s time to steam the interior, first I steam an area:

    Followed up with a wipe down with a yellow micro fiber towel:

    To completely remove any moisture I use my air compressor:

    Vehicle was a tad dirty, here is how the towel finished off after the wipe down of only the driver side panel:

    Well once all the plastic trims were take care of it was time to steam the seats, again more yellow micro fiber towels were used:

    Once the seats were steamed to satisfaction, the same process is done to the carpet. This just about concludes the interior, the only thing that’s left to do is to dress the interior, on this vehicle I decided to go with Meg’s #40. Now with all the steaming and dressing small debris hidden in tight areas make their way to the floor, so once I’m all done with the dressing of the interior I always follow up with a second vacuum:
    Not sure if you see the debris in this picture but they are there :flirt:

    Almost done the interior, the floor mats are the last peaces to steam, here is the floor mat before:

    During the steaming:

    End results:

    Lastly all glass is cleansed with Stoners Invisible Glass partnered up with a Glass micro fiber towel. Well that about does it here is the interior all done:








    Hope you enjoyed the interior detail, the steamer makes quick work of all interior :thumb:
  2. richy

    richy Guest

    Carlos..the interior looks great. You definitely are getting your money's worth out of your steamer! Thanks for posting.
  3. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Thank you richy, :nod: I'm getting every penny's worth on my steamer, best part steamer loves to be used. You know, I hardly use my extractor anymore on interiors...actually it's in the basement collecting dust :shrug: Glad you enjoyed it and thank you for the feed back :peace:

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