Hey GUYZ.....Da BADBOY has arrived!!

Discussion in 'Tools - Machine Polishers, Pressure Washers, Detai' started by Ray in Kingwood, Feb 21, 2008.

  1. Ray in Kingwood

    Ray in Kingwood Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Gloat Gloat!!!

    Here is the box from DC with the goddies the fedEx man left...People still use FED ex??.....go figger...:D


    Here is the kit I ordered with all da pads. Dont know what kinda pads o


    The Orange and yellow are concave in the middle and the others are all flat. Can anyone tell me why? Remember...I am a newbie and stupid...:bow


    Here is da BAD BOY......still a virgin all wrapped up in his polyprotective clothes.....that will soon change.:rofl:drool::drool:


    Here is the Flex Nude.......gawd this thing drips quality...Dem Germans got it together....:bow:dnaughty:drool::drool:


    Another full frontal.....:drool::drool::rockon:rockon


    Well thats is guys.....I have other products on order from other sites.....I thought I would spread it out a little amongst everyone.
    Tonight will be reading the owners manual and also some more tips from all of these fine sites. I am exited and anxious to get started......First order of business will be a full wash and clay. Can anyone tell me why the orange and yellow pads are concave? By the way......what brand name are these pads with the kit. Shipping invoice did not say...Anyway......looks like I am off to a good start. Thanks for looking.......

  2. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    nice freakin order...
  3. cwcad

    cwcad Birth of a Detailer

    Like the products...Love that table saw:dance:
  4. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Are those Wolfgang pads? I have those!
  5. ggk

    ggk Jedi Nuba

    nice order

    but awesome table saw! how much you spend on that?
  6. Ray in Kingwood

    Ray in Kingwood Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Well since ya asked......more of da saw.....




    It is one heavy sob......but will cut whatever you want as fast and as accurate as you need. LOTS of power......5 hp
  7. Ray in Kingwood

    Ray in Kingwood Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    2nd box just arrived! only one more and I am set

    :detailer: :detailer: :detailer: :newbie: :newbie: :newbie:

    good packaging

    Da goodies


  8. DJ_JonnyV

    DJ_JonnyV DB Forum Supporter

    Save some time with reading the owner's manual. not that much there. You'd be better off reading reviews and threads here and on Autopia to be honest with you. You might have to dig a little, but I put up a decent review and useage tips on the Flex when I first got mine last September. Some othes on here have posted good info over there as well.
  9. Nica

    Nica Banned

    wow very nice orders there and that is one sweet garage/shop you got going on there.

    What do you in there?
  10. klumzypinoy

    klumzypinoy Nuba Guru

    Wow nice order of goodies :D

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