$49.99-10 dollar coupon at OSH = 39.99 For a powerwasher Its the 1400 psi unit and sells for 90 at Amazon :yikes:
Send me $$ with shipping included and I'll be happy to mail anyone one..but I think it weighs close to 25lb :-/
Hi Jay J, Welcome to DB and thank you for being so kind and trying to help everyone out...This is what it's all about...:thumb::thumb::thumb:
Yeah, I picked it up on Saturday for $40 after the coupon. There was a whole end cap full of them. I'm going to wait until I receive the HD lance before trying it out though. I hope 1400 psi is enough pressure... The unit is tiny! Luckily OSH has a 90 day return policy, in case things don't work out. Also, I actually made a return trip to OSH and picked up some 303 fabric guard with the coupon also. $12.95 each, not bad after the coupon!
Where was the location of the store? The nearest osh is almost half hour away from me...wonder if they have it or can hold it