Help with order ;)

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by luke093, Jul 2, 2010.

  1. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    So after deciding to make a few orders, I need some help.

    From AutoGeek:
    6x LC Flat (2 orange, 2 gray, 2 white)
    8x Meguiars Pro Line Bottles
    (need a filler to get over $50)- $12 left

    2x Orange LC Flat (I currently have 2x Orange and 2x Blue) are these helpful or should I get another color?

    From Detailed Image:
    3x LC Tire Dressing Applicators
    CG Microfiber Wash 16oz (Is this stuff worth $9 or is regular liquid detergent more than ok)

    CG WMF (I own P21S GEPC, PB Black Hole and CG EZ Creme) should I?
    Menzerna Power Finish (I own SIP 32oz, PO85RD 32oz, HD Uno (4 bottles), M105 32oz, M205 32oz) should I add this?

    LC Green (mainly for those one step products)

    So help me sort out the products that are worth my money. And no I can't get them all.
  2. 604_Snooze

    604_Snooze Obsessive Detailer

    power finish with green
  3. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    My budgets allowing me to get 1 green pad in that order. Should I skip on the MF cleaner to get another?
  4. maximus20895

    maximus20895 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    yes, dont' get mf cleaner if money is tight.
  5. 604_Snooze

    604_Snooze Obsessive Detailer

    yup...skip the mf cleaner and get green or white pad.
    or check out ADS Buff and Shine pad.
    Buff and Shine
  6. ziggo99

    ziggo99 Birth of a Detailer

    Pick up a gallon of APC+ from AG ($8) and two or three Ultimate Wipes ($2 a pop) Or get the APC+ and then two APC+ bottles ($.125 a pop) so you have the correct dilution rates printed right on the bottle OR a 32oz bottle of Optimum No Rinse. So many uses.
  7. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    Ok... Im sorry but I have 2 gallons of Meguiars APC, I have enough of it. As for MF I have a supplier that has very good prices.

    I'm no newbie at detailing, but I am a newbie at polishing so I asked for pad helps. Hopefully you understand.
  8. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    What machine(s) do you use?
  9. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    PC 7424XP, I heard that Power Finish takes a while to break down with it. Hopefully you can guide me to make the right choices!
  10. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    Sounds like you have a good base of polishes, I would skip the PF for now as well as the WMF and I would focus on your pads.

    I personally would not get anything bigger than 5.5" pads with your PC, I would also get some 3.5" or 4" pads. You will need the small pads for tight areas.. Trust me, you will need them.

    Main colors you will use are: Orange (light cut); white (polishing); black (finishing). Flat pads work best with DA's.

    Are you going to be working on just your car, if so what is it?
  11. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    I agree with Jason 100%, focus on pads, with the PC the Megs twins work the best with it so there is no need for anymore polishes. Like Jason said, 5.5 inch flat pads in and smaller.
  12. ziggo99

    ziggo99 Birth of a Detailer

    I do. I'm not up on everyone here yet with. Just sounded like you needed to fill a $12 with anything. But now that I know you need just pads, did you look at the SurBuff pads? 2 for $15 for the 6.5", $12 for the 5.5" and $8 for the 4". Could be what you need.
  13. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    So as for the 4 inch pads how many of each color should I have? And from AG should I cancel those 2 orange? I own 2 for a total of 4 after I make this order.

    Thanks for the advice!
  14. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    To me, you can never have enough pads.
  15. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    New Plan:


    8x Meguiars Bottles
    6x 5.5 LC Flat (2x orange, 2x Black, 2x White)
    + 1x LC Flat Orange

    Detailed Image-

    3x Tire Dressing Applicators
    6x 4in LC Flat (2x Orange, 2x White, 2x Black)- are all these needed?
    LC Backing Plate 4in
  16. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    Again, are you just doing your vehicle? If so, what is it?

    Do you mind cleaning pads on the fly or do you want enough to last you your entire session?

    Are you doing mainly 100% correction details?

    I like to work clean and I do not like to clean on the fly so I change my pads quite often. I go through 10 pads of each color very easily on a mid size car..

    I am calling it a night... Asphalt Rocket knows his stuff so his advice should be taken..

  17. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    I dont mind cleaning pads on the fly. I am asking about this so I can be prepared to do a few cars in the next month (Thanks dad! Hooked my up with his friends 2004 Z06, a customers Jaguar XK, and a customers friend white 2006 Land Rover Sport). Most of which are well cared for and we still have to talk on how much they want done to the car, so I want to be able to do any type of work- other than with wet sanding and rotary.

    Vehicles in the family include Lexus IS300 (soon...), Lexus RX350, and a Honda CRV.
  18. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    Since you have a Z06 in your future, I am working on one as we speak, I would have at least 6 orange pads, 6 white and 6 gray. The clear on vettes is hard so the more pads you have the better off you are. Also the other two vehicle listed that your dad hooked you up with have hard clear.
  19. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    Like Asphalt noted, you have some hard clear in your future....

    I would also add that since the clear(s) will be hard and also considering you will be using a PC, LC Hydro pads would be a good fit for you.

    The only down side is you just have to buy even more pads since they must be fully dry before using again.

    Just thought I would thow that out there...

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