I'm a fairly meticulous guy just like most of the people on here when it comes to my cars, although based on some of the stuff I've seen on here, I'm definitely a novice-intermediate detailer. I wish I could say the same about my father who has a black '06 Z06. Looking at his car is enough to make any of us cry as it has a good amount of swirls and fine scratches. So I've taken it upon myself to get it back into shape. My plan is to use 1) Use a swirl remover/ intensive polish with my PC 7424 and an orange LC pad, 2) Use white LC pad w/ OGOHG and then 3) use OGBW with the black LC pad (I'm a fan of the OG products). So my questions for the board are: 1) Any recommendations on a good product to use for the first compounding step? 2) Anything I should be aware of on the Vette that is different from other cars? I've heard the clearcoat is thin, plus is there anything as far as technique that might be different w/ the fiberglass? 3) Any critique on my planned attack? Thanks in advance! Happy New Year to the board!
Yeah, I would definitely do that. I have yet to touch a Vette myself but I've read that their clears are really tough. Good luck!
This is the only 'Vette I've done and it needed minimal correction. The correction it did need was done with a rotary using X3 polish and a purple foamed wool pad. Here's the S&S: http://www.detailingbliss.com/forum/f47/mint-01-z06-6023.html
Vette clear is extremely hard, you're going to need a rotary and most likely Menzerna polishes. I would take it to a professional, than learn how to maintain it yourself.