Help in choosing affordable wax

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by freefallin2000, Sep 6, 2011.

  1. freefallin2000

    freefallin2000 Birth of a Detailer

    As far as my wax goes, I have the following:

    Obsessive Detail Wet Wax
    Autoglym HD Wax
    Optimum Car Wax (free sample I got)

    As far as sealant goes, I have the following:

    Duragloss 105
    Obsessive Detail Hyper Sealant

    Now, I used the Obsessive Detail products right when I was getting into the detailing game and they worked fine. I haven't used them for a few months and think I will give them a try again soon.

    I am obsessed with Duragloss 105, as I feel it gives outstanding protection, is super slick, and is so freaking easy to use! I detailed a customer vehicle with 105 and topped it with HD Wax and the customer said he had protection for over 4 months in the AZ heat.

    I recently got a sample of Optimum Car Wax (spray wax) and used it to top DG 105 and thought it was very easy to use; just wipe on wipe off. I was impressed with this spray wax because it seemed to give a pretty deep shine.

    This brings me to my next category, Aqua Wax. On top of DG 105, my customers have seen 3-4 months protection. I am literally head over heals for AW. I use this every time I wash my or my wife's car after I wash it. I use it to get rid of some of the water spotting left over and also as a booster. Can this be justified as a wax with actual longevity or simply a quick detailer with minimal protection?

    I am wanting another quality wax I can add to my arsenal for both mine and my customer vehicles. My determining factors are ranked as follows:

    1. Ease of use
    2. Price (under $50)
    3. Longevity
  2. M3ride.

    M3ride. Wax on..Wax off

    Einszett Glanz
    Prima Epic

    Both are great.

    I would say the DG Aquawax can be considered a wax, especially with longevity like that. I've been using Prima Hydro Spray wax for awhile and love it. Won't streak, not even in the sun and beads like you wouldn't believe.
  3. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    Collinite 845/476s/915, CG Pete's 53, Menzerna Power Lock.
  4. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    I would say:

    Collinite 845
    1z Glanz Wax (Highly underrated IMO)
    G|Tech C2 (Kind of the the higher end and maybe over the $50 mark a bit)
  5. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    Also consider Wolf's Chemicals body wrap.
  6. mike aesthetica

    mike aesthetica Jedi Nuba

    I think for what you are looking for 845 might be a pretty clear winner. Cheap. Durable. High Gloss. Easy as pie to use.
  7. Bmer89

    Bmer89 DB Forum Supporter

    845 and Powerlock are both winners. I top them both with Colli's 915. Shine that's bulletproof and cheap.
  8. DirtyWeRX

    DirtyWeRX DB Forum Supporter

    Menzerna power lock

    1Z glanz wax
  9. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    My favorite sealant is currently Power Lock.

    If you're looking for a nice affordable paste wax, have a look at Pete's '53, Lusso Oro or Victorioa Chaos/Mayhem.
  10. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    Collonite 845
    Menzerna Power Lock
    Werkstat Acrylic Jett Trigger.
  11. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    I think most people are agreeing that either 845 or Powerlock are the best choices and I would have to agree! Also consider Prima Epic.
  12. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    Four Star UPP, HD Poxy, Coll 845 and Optimum Opti Seal all are super easy to apply, look great and last a while
  13. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    for the bang for your buck wax I would go with Lusso Oro
  14. Lito

    Lito Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Lusso Oro as first choice, if not i would buy Zymol Carbon.
  15. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    MPL and Glanz are my go too, I have a sample of Blackfire im trying to use up, pretty decent product; very similar to MPL,

    Only other stuff I have is zaino, and an D151 which is an AIO.
  16. JoeyV

    JoeyV Welcome to Detailing

    845 hands down easiest, best bang-for-the-buck wax. Powerlock has the curing time as a disadvantage in comparison.
  17. freefallin2000

    freefallin2000 Birth of a Detailer

    I think I will have to get some Colli 845. Pretty to use? I thought there was a Colli wax that is a PITA to use...915 maybe?
  18. Danny

    Danny Nuba Guru

    I would go with Wolfs Chemicals Body Wrap. Its going to protect better than 845 or 915 because its a nano sealant, thats what I went with and its only $40 from Phil;)
  19. mike aesthetica

    mike aesthetica Jedi Nuba

    How do you know a nano-sealant will protect better than something like 915?

    nano is simply am implied molecule size - Duragloss 105 which is siloxane based is technically considered on the nano scale..

    just a thought :)
  20. JoeyV

    JoeyV Welcome to Detailing

    I've used 3 of the Collinite waxes and the hardest one to use is the 476. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the hardest, application is a 4 and removal is a 7. The 845 on the other hand gets a 1 for application (liquid/creamy wax on a DA) and a 3 for removal (if you get parts that are too thick or still wet, they are a little harder to remove.

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