Heavy cutting on GG 6"

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by artemis53, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. artemis53

    artemis53 Jedi Nuba

    I have just started buying old junk cars and shining them up and reselling for profit. I am starting to get into more and more messed up cars trying to have fun and improve my skills, so I am considering painting some of them myself, and after I was wanting to get them to look really nice.

    For "quickness", what would you recommend, microfiber or wool pads, and second to that, can you even use wool on a DA? I will be getting both, but am wondering what you would recommend first. And I will be getting a rotary, but later.

    For now, what would you recommend to just level large amounts of paint fast on a GG6"?
  2. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    Wool pad cuts quick but the finish will be far short from where you want it to be . . . . . most of the time wool pads will either leave a deep haze or sometimes depending on product used it will leave some marks but nothing that can't be cleaned up. I have personally never used the new Microfiber System out but i've heard nothing but good things about it.

    Are you looking for flawless paint or to just shine them up a bit to look good to sell? Use a some sort of medium polish like Menzerna PF2500 or SI1500 you will get great results with either of those.

    You can also use something like: HD Uno and with that you would just change pads and continue to use the same product.

    Lastly i've heard excellent things about Gtechniq's P1 Polish . . . . . so you may want to look into a bottle of that.

    If it was me personally i would either go Menzerna as i've always used them and love their products or Gtechniq, some microfiber pads, couple of uber yellow, green, white and either black or blue pads and you'll be set.
  3. artemis53

    artemis53 Jedi Nuba


    Well, to be more clear, I already have the GG, and a good full set of uber pads with menzerna polishes. I like them and am still learning but feel I am effective with them.

    What I was looking for was after I paint a car, something to more quickly help level it out before my normal process.

    Depending on the level of orange peel, I will likely wetsand with 1500 or 2000, then level with whatever pads I buy for this with Menz PG1000, then go to my foam pads and polishes to jewel.
  4. wheelzntoys01

    wheelzntoys01 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Surbuf pads, M101 and M105
  5. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    I typically use my 3M Trizac system on my DA for sanding and the GG with Megs MF disc/D300 will easily clean that up.
  6. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    Totally Agree
  7. artemis53

    artemis53 Jedi Nuba

    Do you prefer the 3M to Meg's Unigrit system, with soft interface pad and sand pads?

    Have you used both, and would you be able to make a comparison? If not, why did you choose the 3M system?

  8. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    i have a soft interface for my 3M system. Haven't used the Megs so I can't comment. Megs unigrit system wasn't available here when I bought my 3M stuff.

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