Heavily oxidized 2001 Ford Expedition

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by P1et, Nov 16, 2008.

  1. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator


    This Expedition is a one-owner vehicle which belongs to one of my buddies. Mechanically, he takes fantastic care of it. However, he proudly admits he HATES washing it. Every once in a while, it will go through a touchless carwash but that's about it. The result, after 100K miles, is extreme oxidization. Unfortunately, as you'll see in the pictures, the paint was already starting to crack.

    Started at 9:30am, was done around 4pm. Customer was thrilled! I celebrated with a wicked chicken korma!!!

    1) Throw up at the sight of the paint!
    2) Wash with strong DG shampoo and white ShMITT
    3) Clay with Clay Magic Blue
    4) SIP/M105 on orange CCS with Flex on 5
    5) Wash with DG shampoo and white ShMITT
    6) DG 105
    7) P21S (original)
    8) Last Touch wipe down

    - All plastic treated with Poorboys Natural Look
    - Tires cleaned with ARO, dressed with Nascar Tire Dressing/Adam's VRT
    - Wheels cleaned with Megs Wheel Brightner
    - Chrome polished with P21S Metal Polish

    Upon arrival...

    Look at, I was nervous at this point...

    That's grey, not black...

    Whilst claying, not that comtamimed surprisingly...

    Yes, that is after washing it...

    No reflection whatsoever...

    This is after the first hit of 105/SIP on the orange pad...

    Seems to work!

    You can actually see a reflection again...

    And after some hours later...




    I gave it a Last Touch wipe down right before the customer picked it up.





    Hoep you guys enjoyed this one! I know I did...


  2. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    Dude that's stinkin AMAZING!!! You should of taken a pic of the guys face when he saw the car!!!! Great job!! you deserve that chicken whatever you had!
  3. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    HOLY $H!T!!! That thing was oxidized!!

    That 50/50 of the hood was a super turn-around.

    Nice work :thumb:
  4. Dontsleeponit

    Dontsleeponit Jedi Nuba

    I am astonished, that is fricken amazing.

    99% of people out there would think that car was repainted.

    Hey how come no shots of step 1? :acry2:
  5. PhoTuGo

    PhoTuGo Jedi Nuba

    Amazing turn around! :applause:
  6. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    Amazing turn around. Love that 5050 shot. The hood is starting to show significant clearcoat failure - those things that look like lint.
  7. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    Amazing work! Now that's an extreme makeover!
  8. bentley147

    bentley147 Jedi Nuba

    wooooooowwww...thats paint was finished ..i glad u got that black back together
  9. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    Holy Crap what a fantastic turnaround! You did a bang up job on that paint. Its hard to believe that anyone would be able to bring that kind of reflection back to it! Simply phenomenal!
  10. racersky

    racersky Jedi Nuba

    M105 is the Meguiars 105 Ultra cut right? Does this do the same thing like Menzerna Power Gloss?

    Also is the Duragloss 105 applied on by an applicator? Is this like a last step sealant before the wax?
  11. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Thats unbelievable. Amazing what we can do, eh?
  12. spK

    spK DB Forum Supporter

    Damn nice job P1et. I would have gotten A LOT of practice with my PC if I was in town... maybe next time.
  13. dschia

    dschia Jedi Nuba

    That is amazing...
  14. RussECU

    RussECU DB Forum Supporter

    Great turn around there. Oxidized paint almost always makes a great turnaround. What was your mixture of SIP/M105? 50/50?
  15. Pats300zx

    Pats300zx Official DB Moderator

    WoW...Amazing job...:worship2:
  16. Smith2287

    Smith2287 Welcome to Detailing

    P1et great job and boy that paint needed to be cleaned up. Those correction shots on the hood are amazing and are some of the best.:applause2:
  17. Charlies02GLS

    Charlies02GLS Jedi Nuba

    Great turnaround!
  18. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    Damn P1et, that looks amazing! I actually used the same combo (M105/SIP) with a wool pad on the trailer I'm working on. It works out great, even in the sun, hehe.
  19. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    It's a beaut. Nice job:help:
  20. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    Way to go. That came out great. I'm with 911, amazing what we can do...:worship2:

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