HD Metal Review

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by Meticulous-Detail, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

    Test subject: Brand new Ford Racing Touring Axle Backs for 2010 GT500

    Machine: PC
    Pads: LC CCS White Polish 4 inch
    Towels: Costco Yellow

    Impressions of HD Metal: The consistency was very liquidy, not like your typical metal paste polish and I did shake the bottle very well. Very little goes a long way, felt more like a chemical polish cleaner then an abrasive metal polish. Now I must note when my HD products were delivered they froze outside on my door step, so I am not sure if this had any affect on the products performance. I did however immediately bring them inside and warm them up and shake very well.

    As they arrived:



    All done:


    On a whim I tried HD Adapt on the with a LC Hydro Tech Blue Cutting pad, look at the difference!


    Now I did not try the HD Metal with a cutting pad, only a polishing pad. Overall I thought HD Metal did a great job, but Adapt took it to another level.
  2. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

    For the record this review was NOT done in conjunction with the 3D/HD product/review exchange program.
  3. ModernBlue9

    ModernBlue9 New Member


    So you used the adapt after the metal polish?
    Meticulous-Detail likes this.
  4. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

    Yes. Didn't try Metal with a cutting pad though, wanted to try Adapt out.
  5. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

    I am going to revisit this project and wet sand the SS mufflers and pipes with 500,1000,1500 and 2000 paper ande then hit them with Adapt and Metal.
  6. David Fermani

    David Fermani DB Certified Manufacturer

    I'd be afraid to install this exhaust back on my car! Great review btw :)

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