Test subject: Brand new Ford Racing Touring Axle Backs for 2010 GT500 Machine: PC Pads: LC CCS White Polish 4 inch Towels: Costco Yellow Impressions of HD Metal: The consistency was very liquidy, not like your typical metal paste polish and I did shake the bottle very well. Very little goes a long way, felt more like a chemical polish cleaner then an abrasive metal polish. Now I must note when my HD products were delivered they froze outside on my door step, so I am not sure if this had any affect on the products performance. I did however immediately bring them inside and warm them up and shake very well. As they arrived: 50/50 All done: On a whim I tried HD Adapt on the with a LC Hydro Tech Blue Cutting pad, look at the difference! Now I did not try the HD Metal with a cutting pad, only a polishing pad. Overall I thought HD Metal did a great job, but Adapt took it to another level.
For the record this review was NOT done in conjunction with the 3D/HD product/review exchange program.
I am going to revisit this project and wet sand the SS mufflers and pipes with 500,1000,1500 and 2000 paper ande then hit them with Adapt and Metal.