So I was applying dodo juice Austinitious by hand and boy my hand turned blue but it also seems the wax isnt totally paste like in that there are like lil chunks as i spin my fingers around the tub. Is this normal? and is this a "should add more layers" type of wax?
almost all the dodo juice waxes i've tried have a somewhat gritty/grainy feel to them. i would apply it by foam app instead of by hand. a little goes a long way.
Like dank said many wax's when felt between fingers are grainy and that is just little bits/balls of nuba. They will melt with little heat, but most wax's are better applied by hand. Also does not help the blue layer has a blue dye that is difficult to remove sometimes haha.
the packaging indeed said blue and red dye may dye your applicators lol, well i'd only be worried if the blue dye landed somewhere after my hand application, at least i only used my left hand, wouldn't want to end up like doctor Manhattan.