Wow, Luis so happy for you!!!:applause::applause::applause::mounty::gidiup::applause2:
Thanks guys, we are very excited. This will be our second, we have a six year old princess. Good one Denzil. :lol2: Hey, come to think of it, I have a good reason to buy me another pot of RBOE. Have to make sure the wifey rides in style right? Maybe I should make it Vintage. :shead:
Thanks! Agree 100% Richy. Our six year old daughter is so excited because she gets to be a big sister now. She was kissing my wife's stomach the whole afternoon and night and singing to her "baby sister."
Hehe, I thought you might get a laugh out of that one. :giggle: So by the time I make my way down to SoCal, I'll be seeing your daughter with Makita in hand when I stop by to visit, correct? :thumb:
Thanks Heath! Thanks dude! Haha! I'm working on that one. She already helps me rinse the car when I wash it.
Congrats! Best thing that ever happened in my life were my two kids. Hard to believe you could love someone so much that you just met.